Go Hawks

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Congratulations Seahawks, for pulling out one of the most nail-biting games in recent years. See you in the Superbowl.
Congratulations Seahawks, for pulling out one of the most nail-biting games in recent years. See you in the Superbowl.

Is think since Washington State legalized the sale of pot, that the SeaHawks should change their name to the Washington State Stoners. For that matter, the Colorado Rockies should be the Colorado Tokers. The sale of crack ain't legal (yet).:hide:
Go Pats!
I had them written off, but they ended up stealing it :thumb:


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Is think since Washington State legalized the sale of pot, that the SeaHawks should change their name to the Washington State Stoners.

Well, it would actually be the Seattle Stoners, which is more pleasing phonetically.

Although at the rate we're going with more and more counties and particularly townships passing laws forbidding the opening of pot stores, and the news reporting more stories about traffic accidents, some involving fatalities, in which pot is said to have been an influence, I'm not so sure that marihuana isn't headed toward "legal but can't get it legally" status.

Trivia for the day: I had always assumed Seahawk was a made up bird name. But it's not. While I've never heard anyone use it, it's a local (tribal?) name for the osprey. Which explains why the mascot for the team is a live osprey that a handler carries around on his arm on the sidelines. And a press release from the team office the other year said that the team logo, while very stylized, is based on the shape of the osprey's head.

While I doubt they'll change the team name, perhaps, Don, if you write the team PR director a convincing letter, they can at least get the osprey to puff on a doobie for you as part of the halftime show.:)
There is zero resemblance between an Osprey and the Seahawks logo. The Seahawks head logo is based on an Eagle/Hawk.
To confuse things further, every time the Hawks score, there is a Hawk flying on the big screen ... no Osprey in sight.
There is zero resemblance between an Osprey and the Seahawks logo. The Seahawks head logo is based on an Eagle/Hawk.
To confuse things further, every time the Hawks score, there is a Hawk flying on the big screen ... no Osprey in sight.

Sorry, but the official mascot of the team is an osprey, regardless of what they put up on the screen. Footage of a hawk flying is a lot easier to get that footage of an osprey flying. Most people can't tell the difference anyway. As far as the logo goes, that's what the team office said in their press release--- the inspiration for the design came from the osprey. Not a hawk, not an eagle. An osprey.
the inspiration for the design came from the osprey. Not a hawk, not an eagle. An osprey.

I must get a copy of the glasses they are wearing then :D Guess which bird is which.


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Here's a reference for ya.

* all photos from the web


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Deleted duplicate post.
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All I know is what the team PR office says. And I can see where the turned up end of the dark stripe could have come from the crest at the back of osprey's head. The graphic artist who drew the logo could have combined features, too.

But the mascot bird carried at the games is an osprey, so that's good enough for me.

Osprey's are way cooler than eagles, anyway. The bald eagle is nothing but a turkey vulture with white feathers on its head. It's a scavanger just like the vulture and is the dumbest bird on the planet outside of perhaps the sage grouse, a bird I had a lot of experience with in the field and in the lab at Colorado State University.

The bald eagle is even too dumb to get out of the way of an airplane. I've had to swerve our floatplane to avoid hitting an eagle that blundered out in front of us. The ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) in Ketchikan often includes the phrase "Caution eagles at the approach (or departure) end of the runway," at the end of the broadcast. The damn things are too stupid to keep themselves out of harm's way.

As opposed to a hawk or even a seagull. We flew (not on purpose) through a huge flock of seagulls that suddengly lifted off a sandbar in front of us. We were certain we were going to take some through the windshield and threw our arms up in front of our faces. All we could see in front of us was a swirling cloud of birds. But every single one of them managed to avoid us.

For many years we had a pair of osprey's nesting and rearing their young on the roof of our 737 final assembly building in Renton. For awhile I think there was even a live video camera focused on the nest. During breaks in the evening a lot of the mechanics would walk out on the ramp at the rear of the building and watch the ospreys fishing in Lake Washington. I saw them several times while setting up to shoot a plane rolling out of the paint hangar that's next to the lake. Very cool thing to watch, especially when one would came out of the water with a good sized fish and align it with its feet to streamline in the direction of flight.
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Super Bowl: A bunch of millionaires playing a children's game. Millions watching as an excuse to eat to excess, get drunk, and generally make fools of themselves. Well at least there will be a lot less idiots boating that Sunday.

Geeesh Ted, you don't have any personal feelings about football, do you?

I watched the Hawks game yesterday and was blown away by the finish they put together. After being outplayed the whole game they managed to come through when it counted.

Geeesh Ted, you don't have any personal feelings about football, do you?

I watched the Hawks game yesterday and was blown away by the finish they put together. After being outplayed the whole game they managed to come through when it counted.


Nope, I see it for what it is. But then I'm not into spectator sports, I prefer participant recreations like boating , scuba diving, cycling, and kayaking. Don't watch the NFL for the same reason I don't watch Reality TV. But it's all good, perfectly happy to have people glued to the tube every weekend while I go experience the real world.

Well, it would actually be the Seattle Stoners, which is more pleasing phonetically.

Although at the rate we're going with more and more counties and particularly townships passing laws forbidding the opening of pot stores, and the news reporting more stories about traffic accidents, some involving fatalities, in which pot is said to have been an influence, I'm not so sure that marihuana isn't headed toward "legal but can't get it legally" status.

Trivia for the day: I had always assumed Seahawk was a made up bird name. But it's not. While I've never heard anyone use it, it's a local (tribal?) name for the osprey. Which explains why the mascot for the team is a live osprey that a handler carries around on his arm on the sidelines. And a press release from the team office the other year said that the team logo, while very stylized, is based on the shape of the osprey's head.

While I doubt they'll change the team name, perhaps, Don, if you write the team PR director a convincing letter, they can at least get the osprey to puff on a doobie for you as part of the halftime show.:)

many of my Seattle friends call them the Squawks.

The name fit for many years; but clearly no more.

But more importantly, did you know that Falcons are more closely related to parrots than to hawks and eagles, and the new family tree of living birds shows that flamingos’ closest relatives are chunky waterbirds called grebes.:eek: Both are more closely related to pigeons than to any other waterbirds, the new analysis indicates.

Super Bowl: A bunch of millionaires playing a children's game.

I don't watch professional sports either and don't have much use for American football at all. But when a team in one's home area does well, and the entire region is caught up in the excitement, it's fun to join in for awhile. The Seahawks have done a fabulous job in creating the "12s" or Twelfth Man in their fan base. It has brought the region together as no other event or organization ever has in the 36 years I've lived here. It was pretty cool to hear the players and coach thanking the "12s" during the award presentation immediately after the game.

As for a bunch of millionaires playing a children's game, that sort of describes most high-class yacht clubs, too.:)
I hate when football season ends, college or pro, it's like the big signal to get your ass back to work.
I don't watch professional sports either and don't have much use for American football at all. But when a team in one's home area does well, and the entire region is caught up in the excitement, it's fun to join in for awhile. The Seahawks have done a fabulous job in creating the "12s" or Twelfth Man in their fan base. It has brought the region together as no other event or organization ever has in the 36 years I've lived here. It was pretty cool to hear the players and coach thanking the "12s" during the award presentation immediately after the game.

As for a bunch of millionaires playing a children's game, that sort of describes most high-class yacht clubs, too.:)

We know very well what professional sports is and even more the negatives of football, but that doesn't take away the excitement of the game yesterday. We were out during the game and then just saw the end, but one of the few games we felt compelled to go back and watch the whole thing, leading to the drama. And as to reality tv, one huge difference. No script here.

As to what professional sports does financially for a region, I think it's vastly overstated. And no city is suddenly bad because they don't have a team. But in Seattle, professional sports teams have had it rough. The Seattle Pilots became the Milwaukee Brewers. The Supersonics became the Oklahoma City Thunder. Now they did get a new baseball team and one year may pick up a basketball team again. But the Seahawks rule and they bring out a spirit of Seattle that otherwise we'd never see. A championship in one of the big three US sports. Yes, the Sounders are popular and have 5 MLS championships, but it's still not the same.

We live in South Florida and you'll never see anything like the 12th man here. Dolphins long ago had it a bit when they were the only major team. But even the Heat winning was mostly an "ok, that's nice" kind of thing. The closest to this I've ever heard of in South Florida, and I did not live here then, was the year of the rat, the year the Florida Panthers went to the Stanley Cup finals. For those who don't know, that year a rat was found in the locker room. Well, suddenly they started a winning streak. To add to that it was the Chinese Year of the Rat. So, suddenly everyone in town bought plastic rats and when they'd score a goal, literally thousands would be thrown on the ice. The NHL tolerated it for that one year, then ended that means of celebration. Could greatly prolong a game with the crew having to clean the rats off the ice.
. The Seahawks’ mascot “Taima”, handled by a Spokane falconer, is actually an Augur hawk (Buteo rufofuscus), native to Africa and more closely related to our native red-tailed hawk . (Ospreys are not generally used by falconers because they feed on fish rather than terrestrial animals and they are not year-round residents here in Washington.
. The Seahawks’ mascot “Taima”, handled by a Spokane falconer, is actually an Augur hawk (Buteo rufofuscus), native to Africa and more closely related to our native red-tailed hawk . (Ospreys are not generally used by falconers because they feed on fish rather than terrestrial animals and they are not year-round residents here in Washington.

Interesting, thanks. However, Taima looks more like an osprey than a red-tailed hawk, and the Seahawks team office seems to believe Taima is an osprey. So since perception is at least 80 percent of reality these days, we'll all continue to pretend Taima is an osprey to go along with the team name.:)

I guess it's not much different than movie companies using AT-6 trainers as Mitsubishi Zeros in WWII movies. AT-6s are a lot easier to come by than real Zeros, and if you squint your eyes a bunch to blur up the image some, the AT-6 looks kind of like a Zero.....
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Super Bowl: A bunch of millionaires playing a children's game. Millions watching as an excuse to eat to excess, get drunk, and generally make fools of themselves. Well at least there will be a lot less idiots boating that Sunday.


Going from twins to a single can be hard on a person.
Going from twins to a single can be hard on a person.

Have never owned a boat with twins. But there was that one time when these two sisters came out on my charter boat.......

Thanks for verifying what is common knowledge. Although some folks will always live in denial.
In other news 2 + 2 = 5 :banghead: :D

Wifey B: Is it also common knowledge to the Seahawk fans that in the old world and often today even these are called buzzards.

I like that. Descending on their prey, the Seattle Buzzards, owned by Buzzard Paul Allen. Really would fit for Marshawn Lynch's press conferences. I haven't heard him yet this week. Wonder what the $100,000 word of the week will be.
Word has it that the Seahawks had to settle for an Augur hawk at the games because a real seahawk aka osprey is way too smart to fall for sitting around on some bozo's arm in a deafening stadium for three or four hours. They'd much rather be out fishing than being on the end of a leash eating overpriced stadium hot dog scraps. The Augur hawk looks enough like an osprey to fool even the people who hired the guy to hold it, let alone the general public, so it works fine for the purpose.
Really would fit for Marshawn Lynch's press conferences. I haven't heard him yet this week. Wonder what the $100,000 word of the week will be.

Last time it was "yeah." So I'm betting this time it will be, "nah" or "unh-unh."
Quite the meandering conversation (s) going on here.....
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