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Veteran Member
Oct 7, 2021
Good evening, new member here. I live in South Florida and have been in the marine industry a long time. With an empty nest and boredom setting in we decided to sell all our burdens and move on a trawler and get back to living.

Apparently many folks had this same thought over the past year or two and the used boat market is pretty thin. We have been searching for the last 4 months or so with no success. The search continues!

Welcome aboard. Mr. TBW: Hint. If you describe what you're looking for you will be inundated with "Here's the boat for you" posts. OK, maybe not inundated but you may get a lead...
Size and price range are good starters.
Welcome aboard. Mr. TBW: Hint. If you describe what you're looking for you will be inundated with "Here's the boat for you" posts. OK, maybe not inundated but you may get a lead...
Size and price range are good starters.

Thank you for the tip!

We are looking in the 55'-65' range, smaller the better if it fits our needs. I'm 6'-5" and need an engine room I can fit in. That is limiting our choices. Seaton style offshore boats with high stem make me happy. There's a beautiful Delta 63' in Auckland but we can't get in to see it plus I don't really want a TransPac to be our first cruise. I really like the KiWi Watson 60 and 48 but they are rare as hens teeth.

Budget is preferably under $1M but can go higher for the right boat. We are happy with replacing/updating soft goods and exterior paint and maybe some electronics but I don't want a major project.

Here is a pic of an ideal candidate boat...


  • Providence Oneil-60.jpg
    Providence Oneil-60.jpg
    74.3 KB · Views: 30
Yes, welcome to TF. And that boat ☝️depicted is..? :socool:

AoS / JrAoS
Not sure if you’re open to singles but the Sea Spirit 60 on Luke Brown Yachts looks very nice.

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