Decking covering material

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Senior Member
Nov 12, 2019
United States

looks like an interesting material
thinking about cockpit lockers and surrounding areas (sail boat)
Of course the devil is on the details, like cutting templates
We had SeaDeck put in our boat and absolutely love it. But we paid to have it installed so it was simple…
Some tricks re templates...
Clear mylar helps if you have lots of ftgs. Hatches, etc to work around. If not Tyvek or equal house wrap makes good non stretch template matl. Cut l shaped slits snd fold the tab under and pkg tape to hold matl in place.
If you want close fit inside of vertical walls cut slightly undersize and use a 1" block to create a template exactly 1" undersize. Mark those lines as such snd have the mfg cut 1" larger along those lines. If you are cutting do the same.
Some matls trimming small amounts can be done with a perforated style wood rasp instead of trying to cut slivers. test a small scrap piece.
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