Cold Air Intakes

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Veteran Member
Aug 25, 2020
As I've been reading up on diesel engines in Trawlers I have a question about intakes. All the pics I've been seeing of diesels show the intake having a filter body on it. With all the heat generated in the engine room is it not better to have some kind of cold air intake installed?
Our engine air comes from the funnel up top down to a box in the ER
Engine intake with filter is inside that box
Most of these old school engines are fuel limited rather than oxygen limited, except, maybe, right as heavy throttle is applied. They just aren't tuned to the limits and most don't have control systems with the ability to adjust for temp, etc, so giving cooler air wouldn't be noticed or help.
Mr. f. Ambient air intakes with no filter. I did retrofit window screening underneath the louvers to keep the nesting insects out of both the ER and the air intake duct. If we were to keep the boat, I might consider air conditioning but NOT to improve engine performance. It gets hot in the ER for those engine checks every 2 hours. Welcomed on a cold day but uncomfortable in Florida on a "scorcher".
Cooler air in the engineroom increases engine performance. Denser air gives a bigger air charge in the cylinders. It maybe not noticeable in small engines but can be 5%+ in big diesels. Larger commercial vessels and ships have large blowers moving air in and out. Some run positive pressure in the ER to increase performance. If it didn't save money in maintenance or performance the blowers wouldn't be there.

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