Avalon Storm Article...

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Dec 16, 2007
I have a first hand account of the storm at Avalon, California but I don't know how to post it. I saved it in "favorites."
At nearly 3000 posts, I find it hard to believe that ancora doesn't know how to post an article. Have you tried copy/paste?

Where is ancora and what have you done with him?
It ain't workin'. I go to "Go Advanced", then to "manage Attachments" then to Browse, find the article in "favorites" open on "browse" hit "upload" but it does not does not upload. What now?
Try this:

go to the website in your browser and copy the url
paste the url directly into a post
It might be the file format you are trying to attach. I know I can upload jpg files but I have never tried to attach a Word file or any other type of file. If it is in Word you might be able to convert it to pdf and then upload a the pdf. Just guessing.
Photos from an email chain going around











tell us were to find it on the net we can google it and then get it on here
I got it in an e-mail from a friend. Today, I got a Memorial at Sea video for the Harbor Patrolman that lost his life. Would like to post that also, for our Kiwi members.
Those sights are sickening. ... It was not merely a matter of three motor vessels washed ashore (beyond the human losses).
Those sights are sickening. ... It was not merely a matter of three motor vessels washed ashore (beyond the human losses).

Your so right just so sad and the loss of life is just terrible
I've got two URLs I can't upload:


Maybe someone will have better luck.
I knew somebody would figure it out. How about the second URL? It is a video of the memorial service for Tim Mitchell.
Thanks guys, I knew someone with more computer savvy than I would do the right thing. The memorial to Tim Mitchell was moving and indicative of the respect we here in Southern California have for our Harbor Patrol people.
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