Another new skipper in the making

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 6, 2016
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Boulton Skiff
Hello to all and thanks for all the information so far! My wife and I are getting closer to retirement and are ready to slow down and enjoy a little more solitude. After 35 years of RV's and trailer boats we are beginning the research and planning for life in the Puget Sound and north. Stay tuned - I'll be around asking a lot of questions hundreds have probably asked before me:rofl:
Welcome aboard TF. You'll have a million questions as you start looking for a boat and the people on here are a veritable fountain of knowledge. (Present company excepted, of course).
Welcome to the Trawler Forum!
Thanks! We are already looking at charter opportunity's to gain experience and model insight.
Thanks! We are already looking at charter opportunity's to gain experience and model insight.

Welcome aboard, and best of luck in the search. What is the W7NB? Ham call?
Welcome aboard, and best of luck in the search. What is the W7NB? Ham call?

Yes it is! I work on public safety communications systems and enjoy a little HF time as well. I have my commercial license as well and will probably add my radar endorsement so I can maintain my equipment - and perhaps my dockmates as well :D
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