Another converted blow boater

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Dec 13, 2015
Hi All,
Have a Storebro 40 in contract. SF Bay and Delta. Plan on a summer(s) up in Puget Sound at some point.

I'll still race on OPBs, but with two pre-teen girls felt a motor yacht would be a better choice in getting friends on board, etc.


Welcome aboard, and hope to hear more from you with regard to the new boat.
Welcome to the darkside. You will enjoy it.
Alright!! Another powerboat convert in the SF Bay area! Lots of us trawlermen here on the bay and delta. We have a group of us on the 'social group' linked below. We usually get a rendezvous together once or twice a year.

Welcome to TF and the world of going where you want to point your boat on the bay/delta! No more zigzagging your way to your destination.

One question: What's a Storebro 40? Is it really a power boat? We need pics to prove this fact. If you ain't got pics, "it never happened"!
Alright!! Another powerboat convert in the SF Bay area! Lots of us trawlermen here on the bay and delta. We have a group of us on the 'social group' linked below. We usually get a rendezvous together once or twice a year.

I'll need a fuel loading in Pittsburg in a couple of months, and then a Spring visit to Petaluma sounds like it's due.


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