New Guy in Alaska

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Nov 17, 2021
I've been reading through quite a few threads on this forum and have enjoyed the information shared. We are looking into our first slow boat and looking forward to a little more comfort and range than our current aluminum flat bottom.

Thanks for the add.
Welcome from another (part-time) Petersburg resident. Our boat is in South Harbor on B float. We've been basing out of Petersburg since 1995 and keeping Oz there since 2006. A great town. We probably have some mutual friends and acquaintances.

And another welcome from a TF member with his boat moored in South Harbor.

I feel lucky to have picked up a permanent slip on C float this past summer..

Great harbor - great town! Lucky you!
Welcome from Anchorage. Our boat is on the hard in Seward waiting for some engine work to get done over the winter. Splashing next spring.
Welcome aboard. We keep our boat in Wrangell. Petersburg is a great town!

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