New Guy

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Sep 15, 2021
My wife and I are new to the forum!
We have been sailors for more than 30 years and we have a boat (Sail) on Lake Erie. We have sailed on the Atlantic, Chesapeake, Carribean sea, Pacific and have also done inland lakes. We have taken ASA courses . We have gone to the conclusion that we wanted to try a power boat as we are getting older and still enjoy the water life. So we took a trawler school class at Bay Breeze yachts on Grand Traverse Bay. We loved it, aboard a Nordic tug we did the week school and a Night operation. We really enjoyed it so we are looking for a Nordic or American Tug in the 32-34 range. We also attended the AGLCA Rondevous with a trawler crawl. We learned alot so we are looking to the Dark Side.
We have sailed Erie,Lake Huron and Michigan. We would like to do the same in a trawler along with the Erie Canal. We are Not Great Loop people.
Our sailboat home is on Catawba Island-near the islands on lake Erie.
Yes there are islands on Lake Erie. We appreciate any help we can get.
Much Thanks in advance to our questions.
Alan & Eileen Clark
Welcome aboard and good luck with your search.
Welcome. My wife and I sailed Lake Erie and the Bass Islands for years. We also sailed Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. We brought our trawler from Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin to Florida last summer and fall. As you're probably aware, the trawler doesn't take the waves on the beam like a sailboat, but that's where the years of tacking come in handy!
I hope you enjoy the transition to power and appreciate the many positives that trawlers allow you to enjoy with your family. The tugs you mention have a great reputation and handle well. Best of luck to you in your future cruising adventures!
Welcome aboard. I keep my trawler in Sandusky at Battery Park. We are looping in 2025
Welcome. We bought our boat on Lake Erie and cruised it home via the Erie Canal. Was a wonderful trip. Hope you have fun in your new adventures.

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