Work in progress. 65' lugger reworked after a fire

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I thought it was brackish but I'm thinking more fresh now after seeing the bottom
Looks pretty clean.
Small looking fan and doesn't seem to draw much.
Edit - twin screws would explain small prop size.
Another shot
Alright, paid the yard, she's back in the water. Tomorrow we will be on our way. Ice machine is purring right now. 10 minutes of fuel filter change and we will be fishing off of horn about noon tomorrow
Took out this morning, ran aground outside of the canal right when we got in the channel. I've gotta upgrade my electronics, at least a depth finder.
Were your buddies onboard with their cooler again? I bet you've got LOTS of ice!
Ice machine worked out great.
Our first big trip, went to Chandelier island. Everything worked great. Had 10 people on board for 4 days. Ran the gen set 24/7 and burned 40 gallons, traveled about 130 miles round trip pulling 3 center console fishing boats and burned a little over 100 gallons. Ran out of water on the last day (1000 gal) caught about 100 fish
That's GREAT Paul! :thumb:

Only item I can mention... At averaged 25 gallons per day per person some of the 10 need to learn difference twixt land water usage and boat water usage!

Heck, 25 gallons is near 1/2 a 55 gallon drum - and, that's a lot of water a day per person on a boat. Unless you have a multi thousand dollar water maker running full steam! :whistling:
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Well I did have my 500# ice machine running 24/7
Paul congrats on that catch of trout and redfish! Nice size! With that iffy weather this past weekend it must have been real nice to have a safe mothership to hunker down in! Impressive fuel use for a long weekend! Are you happy with your AC system under those hot/humid conditions?
Ac did great, it could have been about 5 degrees cooler but I had fans in the bunks and one at the helm and had a long sleeve on most of the time
Picture of my new gps, I was to nervous to use my old one
And the verdict on the household toilets?
They worked flawless. We ran out of water on Sunday morning and we're able just to chase the goodies with a 5 gallon bucket of water to make the trip to the house
They worked flawless. We ran out of water on Sunday morning and we're able just to chase the goodies with a 5 gallon bucket of water to make the trip to the house

With all those fishermen on board I bet your major use of water came from head use (icemaker second)! Make a rule that while underway or at anchor that all male's #1 should be outside!
From what I've read it takes 18 gallons to make 100# of ice. It ran about 18 hours per day. I shut the geny off when no one was on board so by my calculations it used about 68 gallons of water per day, the shitter on the other hand burns up 1.2 gallons per flush. We had 9 people probably averaging about 4 flushes per day thats......44 gallons for the crapper per day. Showers 2.5 gallons per minute average 4 minute shower x 9 people thats 90 gallons. Thats 202 gallons per day for 3.5 days that is 700 (+/-) gallons. The other 300 maybe for wash downs and dishes? I did catch my brother spraying off his boat.
I did catch my brother spraying off his boat.

LOL, I would make him wash The Rose when back at the dock (while you have a cold beverage over-seeing the work)! and have him install a wash down system on his boat!
Paul, the Cajun Rose is looking great. I would classify your cruise as a major success. Congratulations.

I once heard a guy on the radio talking to the Chickamauga Lock Master.

Guy: Lock Master how long before you can take me in the lock?

Lock Master: About two hours. There is a large tow in the locks now.

Guy: Well, isn't that just ducky. I only have 45 minutes of ice left.

Ice is serious stuff.
Well the cabinets are finally getting installed. Now it's time for some shinny on it
Looking great.
I think we are nearly brothers Swampu! We both have been working on these projects for quite some time now and had our 1st real trips at the same time.
However I did not catch any fish!!!!
The Cajun Rose is obviously turning heads over your way!! Hope all will be safe with this hurricane.
Ahhh the galley. The second most important place on a boat.
Hey Paul, is that cypress ya using? Looks fantastic, there are home kitchens that don't look that good!
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