Travels of "Emma B" (JD powered Helmsman)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Durant, when you leave Maple Bay, in addition to Genoa Bay, where the restaurant has limited winter hours, stop in Cowichan Bay. It has a vibrant choice of restaurants and bakeries, and though not competitive with Genoa Bay on the funkiness scale, it is right up there!

Willy, have you looked into Jet A as your heating fuel? I had a kerosene heater that burned it happily, though not a marine one. It is currently $3.75 per gallon at Bayview Airport on your way to LaConner. Won’t help the storage issue, and still a $ premium over Diesel, but maybe less that other sources.

Cowichan Bay
Genoa Bay funk. The girl is classy, not funky, but she’s not there now, she’s on the couch beside me.
Thanks for the pictures. Yep...looks like a nice atmosphere.
I C now I wanna meet you haha

Thank’s for the heads up on fuel Jeta or whatever. Getting my kero at a “Country” store as in hardware and about $5.00 per gal. Fine for a gallon or two but .....? Need another container w a poor off valve. Need to put a sight glass on my day tank too. Need too many things haha.
Congrats on rejoining the fleet. Hope the survey comes out satisfactory.
What boat? Pictures?
If your survey passes... get out on the water.
Good luck.

1982 Beebe design passagemaker. See the thread below. Excited to see her, and yes, we plan on spending a LOT of time on the water, that's what boats are MADE for!:dance:

YW site is:
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Awesome... that’s a serious boat!

I’ve heard of rain dances
Anyone know a sun dance?
I’m starting to forget what it looks like.

Hopefully the wind settles a bit and I’ll move tomorrow.
Awesome... that’s a serious boat!

I’ve heard of rain dances
Anyone know a sun dance?
I’m starting to forget what it looks like.

Hopefully the wind settles a bit and I’ll move tomorrow.

PNW sent most of their successful Sun Dancers to the Bahama's!:D
Unfortunately, and little advertised, they sent their "Typhoon Dancers" East as well, to be renamed "Hurricane Dancers". . . If the last few years is any indication, the Hurricane Dancers appear to have settled in quite well!:whistling:
Hurrycanes are for geographical locations so .. quite south of the PNW.

We have 80mph winds to be sure. But I think they are called gales. They are up here as vernacular but it may have to do w how they generate. And “gale” is a specifically applied term used by the Coast Guard and probably elsewhere.
But never heard of a wind called a hurricane in the PNW.
Getting cabin fever in one place too long with the rain, so undetwayheaded for Sidney and so far it’s flat calm..
Getting low on essentials... bread, milk, wine
In the PNW a hurricane is instead referred to as a cyclone. We have had cyclones. As a general rule, and I can't explain why, hurricanes are on the east coast and cyclones on the west coast.
Flat calm today... thankfully.
Gotta say, it was nice to meet Greg off the site.
While in the Cambell River area, it was nice meeting Conrad as well.
Great to put faces to names
Did your sailboat in the Abacos suffer any damage during hurricane Dorian?
And here I was....
Having an awesome run...
Flat seas...
Tide with me
Sun peaking out...
Underway, finally after sitting too long...
And you go and ruin it! :)

A hinkley beside me fell over, my front lower was ripped out and the mast came down.
Main sail
Deck repair

No “named storm” insurance...



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Travels of "Emma B" (JD powered Helmsman)

Oh damn. Sorry to hear that. And sorry to bring back bad memories.

My boat was on Green Turtle hauled out and strapped down, but the mast still snapped at the spreader. No other damage though. Almost every sailboat in the yard was blown off their jacks, many dismasted, some with holed hulls. Pretty grim/depressing scene for sure.
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The picture IS from GTC boat yard..
Winter home for years!

Frank on “4mysanity” a Beneteau 423

Previously a beige Compac 27 with Burgandy dodger for years ...“Allure”
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Travels of "Emma B" (JD powered Helmsman)

I got back to GTC on 10/9. Found a flight on a rickety looking little plane flying supplies over, and was able to bring my boat back to Florida. Got lucky I guess.

Safe travels! Enjoying your thread.

The trip from Maple Bay to Sidney was nearly flat calm and after so many rain days, it was nice to see the sun...if only a few rimes. Was quite warm last night so enjoyed a walk down Main Street. Such a nice little town.
Blowing a full gale today!


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Perhaps they rotate the other way.
Their ways on the east coast are sometimes strange.

Thanks for the cyclone heads up.

In the pics .. izzat what happens to one after covid?
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In the PNW a hurricane is instead referred to as a cyclone. We have had cyclones. As a general rule, and I can't explain why, hurricanes are on the east coast and cyclones on the west coast.

Both hurricanes and typhoons are cyclones, though most are in tropical latitudes.
Here in BC, we haven't had many(any?) hurricanes, though we have had at least one typhoon, Frieda in 1962. The designation as a typhoon or a hurricane seems to be based upon where it formed. Frieda formed near Wake Is 166° E long, so western Pacific. Had it formed in the Eastern Pacific it would have been called a hurricane.
Less than hurricane force cyclones are common, in fact we are getting hit with one as I type this.
Our power just flickered. I think I need to go and get the generator ready.
Perhaps you two could start a separate thread on hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons?
Maybe others would ad to it there.
Would be a great topic for a new thread!!
““Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons”
Folks would see the thread header and know to look there for info.
Would be a great topic for a new thread!!
““Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons”
Folks would see the thread header and know to look there for info.


Sorry for drifting off topic.

You riding out today's storm in Port Sidney? Those folks on the benches seem frozen in place.
Frank, be thankful you're not up here in Campbell River today! Blowing 55 knots at the dock, which is firmly in storm territory.
They are apparently bracing for hurricane winds up in the Prince Rupert area.
It is BLOWING out there!
Boats laying over at the dock!
Not sure of wind speed but guessing high 30s or more in the gusts...
Wish I could post a short video... the sound is amazing! Just howling and whistling!
Must be bad up in Port McNeil too then...
Hang on Conrad
Keith... they sure do! Sidney’s main st really is nice!
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56 knots in Powell River. Lost power a few times. Stay hunkered down Frank. Looks like you have a few sunny days later this week!
It’s probably well into the 40’s in the gusts here...
I’d like to know what it actually is here .... today will find out tomorrow from other boats that have wind speed
Let's start a new thread for weather reports while we return to our regularly scheduled programming on this thread.

Thanks for the Consideration.
Just checked the weather...
As the saying goes “tomorrow is another day” and it looks like Emma B will have some sunshine to dry her off!
It’s been so rare I may have to search for my sunglasses
“What a difference a day makes”!!

From howling wind and driving rain to this!
A pleasure to be outside


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