Shower - $1.00 for 5 minutes

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I guess the test of time is relavent.

If these marinas keep the nickle and dime approach or feel it loses more business than it gains.

Seems regional to public opinion, like deposits on bottles and things. Some places have kept it for years, others never have had it or got rid of it quickly.

11 States have container deposit laws today.
11 States have container deposit laws today.

OK, more indications of the government interfering with people's lives. :banghead:

I'm sure some politicians would put a time limit on showers if they could figure out a way.
OK, more indications of the government interfering with people's lives. :banghead:

I'm sure some politicians would put a time limit on showers if they could figure out a way.

They don't need to. Private companies already figured out the solution to the public shower "problem", if indeed there is one. [emoji3]

Recycling, at least conceptually, is a good practice. If we could educate people to willingly recycle, there would be no requirement for a bottle bill. But alas, it seems that the general populace requires a financial motivation to recycle effectively.

I myself am of a more libertarian bent, but I also realize that much of society needs "assistance" in making good decisions.

I'd be all for weigh scales for airplane fees; and not just for luggage either...
They don't need to. Private companies already figured out the solution to the public shower "problem", if indeed there is one. [emoji3]

Recycling, at least conceptually, is a good practice. If we could educate people to willingly recycle, there would be no requirement for a bottle bill. But alas, it seems that the general populace requires a financial motivation to recycle effectively.

I myself am of a more libertarian bent, but I also realize that much of society needs "assistance" in making good decisions.

I'd be all for weigh scales for airplane fees; and not just for luggage either...

I'm with you on weighing airline passengers. Weight equals fuel cost, be it luggage or blubber. Fair is fair.

As for recycling, in my youth there was a deposit on drink bottles. Not imposed by the government but by the bottlers themselves. We would scour the roadsides for discarded bottles and take them to the store for our two (later five) cents. The bottle went back to the bottler where they were washed and reused. Today, drink bottles are trash. If they are recycled, they are just ground up and melted down to manufacture new bottles.

I worked for a very large public school system. When I was a student, the cafeterias served food on conventional, reusable plastic plates or trays. By the time I found myself working there, they were serving food on Styrofoam trays and plastic "sporks". They figured this was cheaper than paying people to wash trays. OK perhaps but this means that they are using and discarding approximately one hundred thousand Styrofoam trays per day! There's no market for recycled Styrofoam. It went into the landfill.

Most recycling costs as much or more than the end result is worth. My city stopped picking up recyclable material a year or so ago. I asked and they said it costs them more than they recover. So now, my recyclables go into the trash can.

People are much more apt to do the "right" thing if it is made easier for them to do this than if they feel they are being punished for doing the "wrong" thing.

You must be a skinny guy! :)
Mr. WK. You raise an interesting point. Today's "disposable society". It really bothers me that rather than fix an item, in a lot of cases it is much cheaper or cost effective for the consumer to simply discard...whatever...and buy a new...whatever...for want of a $.25 part that is either unavailable or priced WAY, WAY above what it is really worth.

Just as an example: I use cordless rechargeable drills exclusively as I'm guessing the majority of us do. So, there reaches a point where the battery(s) will no longer take a charge BUT 2 new batteries cost, say $75 and a new drill INCLUDING 2 batteries costs $100 (usually on sale but the batteries NEVER go on sale that I've seen).

Something is definitely askew...
Mr. WK. You raise an interesting point. Today's "disposable society". It really bothers me that rather than fix an item, in a lot of cases it is much cheaper or cost effective for the consumer to simply discard...whatever...and buy a new...whatever...for want of a $.25 part that is either unavailable or priced WAY, WAY above what it is really worth.

Just as an example: I use cordless rechargeable drills exclusively as I'm guessing the majority of us do. So, there reaches a point where the battery(s) will no longer take a charge BUT 2 new batteries cost, say $75 and a new drill INCLUDING 2 batteries costs $100 (usually on sale but the batteries NEVER go on sale that I've seen).

Something is definitely askew...

I started out as a TV repairman. Good thing I didn't keep that up.

As for the batteries, you are right but some of the battery stores (Batteries Plus, etc.) can replace the cells in the battery for less than the cost of the manufacturer's replacement battery.

I think some products are made and sold at a low or no profit but the profit is in the replacement consumables. An ink jet printer comes to mind.
They don't need to. Private companies already figured out the solution to the public shower "problem", if indeed there is one..............

I was thinking about the showers in our private homes. They have managed to intrude by outlawing showers that use more than 2 GPM but they haven't figured out how long we take that 2GPM shower.
We have deposits on our bottles here in MA, but its not government intrusion. Some people that it was a good enough signatures and got it on the ballot. It passed. That's not "merican guvermint"...its just the will of the people.
B 2

Isn't the will of the people what separates America from other countries?
I was thinking about the showers in our private homes. They have managed to intrude by outlawing showers that use more than 2 GPM but they haven't figured out how long we take that 2GPM shower.

That's next. The shower police are coming for you. We'll share a jail cell because I drilled out the flow restrictor in my shower head.
Senor RT

Not unique to the exclusion of all other countries but it was one of the basis of our country.
Wes had opined that deposits on bottles was "the government interfering with people's lives".. I was just pointing out that here in MA anyway, its just the will of the people being carried out, not an example of government overstepping its boundaries.
Wes had opined that deposits on bottles was "the government interfering with people's lives".. I was just pointing out that here in MA anyway, its just the will of the people being carried out, not an example of government overstepping its boundaries.

Well, I don't care who gets credit for it, I think it's a great concept. If you really want to see items recycled put value on them. Also, it's cost savings for the government and ultimately the taxpayer as cleaning all these bottles up off the roadsides isn't cheap. I remember a couple of decades ago, my first trip to Oregon and I was extremely impressed by how much cleaner their roadsides were than ours in NC.

You have the choice of returning the bottles yourself or leaving it for someone else to do. Return them yourself and you pay nothing. Someone else does it and you pay them for doing so. The bottles aren't just going to walk themselves back to the store.
Wes had opined that deposits on bottles was "the government interfering with people's lives".. I was just pointing out that here in MA anyway, its just the will of the people being carried out, not an example of government overstepping its boundaries.
So, do US residents pay a deposit when buying a boat,recoverable after due proof of selling the boat in its entire state, or dismantling it for the wreckers yard. If not,is this an argument being made in support of requiring a payment of such a deposit.
Just trying to relate the opinion B2 cites, to our interest in boating
Its a friggin shower!!!!
That`s what I thought too Bob. I didn`t want to upset anyone, so I played along, it seemed as relevant as where, for want of a $1, the great unwashed have taken the discussion.;) And I did try, very hard, to relate to a boat.:angel:
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