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42' Swift Beneteau

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2019
Vessel Make
Benneteau Swift 42
Preliminary listing - more details to follow.

I'm going to selling a 2004 Swift 42 soon it's located in Daytona Beach, Florida, if anyone is interested please contact me directly (no brokers) call 631.338.1048 or email for more details and questions.

Asking $237,500

There are two others listed on YW that have less equipment for $275 & 280K
This boat is priced fairly to sell now!

Furuno Tz2 dual station multi function display about $8K new
Auto pilot / Radar
Front deck lounge cushions
Full lower main cockpit canvas enclosure
3 A/C units main saloon 1 year old
2 heads 1 elec
2 burner stove oven
dbl sink
canvas window covers
New seating main Salon
new Horizon remote mike
New lenco trim tab controls
twin Yanmar 6LYA-STP engines with less than 2500 hours
Bow thruster
I'm the 2nd owner taken care of a boat very well and.
maintained by a knowledgeable skipper
New microwave
110 Fridge off 12V inverter
House bank 6 6V charged by 265W solar
two 12V starter batteries
one generator battery
All books and manuals
can cruise at 20 knots
charged by 265W solar
cockpit cushions bridge deck

Standard ST 42 interior with upper & lower helm stations. (3) Sliding doors in the salon for easy access to any of the decks. Dinette table, can be used in the salon, cockpit or stored off the boat with ease. The Fly Bridge also features a teak cocktail table with accompanying captain chair at the helm and bench seat for guests. The standard ST 42 has one head with separate shower. This 2004 model has an additional head in shower area. Master head forward with a queen size center line berth and a guest cabin with a full berth opposite of the head.


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