Prop Rock

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El Capitan
Dec 2, 2010
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Chung Hwa 46 LRC
An acquaintance of mine ran over a rock in Blakely Sound. Major ouch to the props!

He's replacing them with 5 blade Nitrol's.

Prop vs Rock -- Rock Wins! KJ


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An acquaintance of mine ran over a rock in Blakely Sound. Major ouch to the props!

He's replacing them with 5 blade Nitrol's.

Prop vs Rock -- Rock Wins! KJ

KJ - I can't tell you how pleased I am that you posted this Prop - vs - Rock picture! I'm printing it out, will laminate in plastic, and plan to show it to any passenger on my twin screw boat that again asks me to enter shallow areas where I simply will refuse to go. I've seen this type prop damage before to other's boats and I know to never get caught in too shallow water with props turning... or for any other reason for that matter. Single screw, deep keel, full skeg designs are better protected... but I've seen their props messed up too from too shallow waters containing rocks and the like. Luckily and I guess smartly I've never run a ground and had only one prop damaged years ago by a semi submerged floatsum of wood-source. My dad taught me well - he was a stickler bout “watch the depth sounder closely and never let it get too shallow under keel”! Again, Thanks for this perfect “warning” picture. :thumb: - Art
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What!????A little heat and beat will return that prop to like new condition.:lol:
Heat and beat...

I like that.

Sounds a bit like cut to size and beat to fit :thumb:

:eek: I am shocked you salty dogs haven't heard this term used in reference to prop repair.An old salt from Michigan was visiting a local restaurant.We were sitting around chatting about past work experiences.He says I used to repair props for large boats and ships.I curiously inquired about how they do that.He said,"We use the old heat n beat method.So I asked how that process works and he gave me the run down on the heat n beat repair method. :thumb:
He's replacing them with 5 blade Nitrol's.

Why , was the old prop the wrong size , or burning too little fuel?
I really don't know. He explained it all to me, but I have forgotten already (it's that short term memory thing). Something about the Nitrols lasting longer. Don't know why he's going with a five blade. I'll ask him again. The new one's were almost $5G each. KJ
KJ said:
The new one's were almost $5G each.
Seems expensive for an apparently sacrificial piece of running gear. (smile)

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