Passing situation

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Oct 6, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2003 Monk 36
How would you like to meet up with this tow in a tight bend?
This is the platform section for the Cognac Rig off Louisiana en route to the Gulf of Mexico. It was built by McDermott in Morgan City La. in the late 70s.


  • Cognac Platform.JPG
    Cognac Platform.JPG
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If they werent constantly broadcasting and the USCG didnt require escorts, people werent doing their jobs. Plus a notice to marinets should have been published with hourlies for the appropriate stretches of river.

No, would not like that suprise at all, and bet the tug guys agree.
Backtrack into a cove or creek and take lots of pictures with the Kodak Brownie.
I bet me and pond scum could slide right under that steel assemblage.
See that coming? Turn around, run and hide.
Tonnage rules, or in this case square footage rules.
Or just downbound if the special navigation regs by the USCG didnt work. :)
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I'd stay in the right side of the channel and make him move!! I have the right of way, dammit !!

( I was being facetious....which, I believe, is the only word in the English language that has all 5 vowels in order.....(( and if you use facetiously, you even pick up the "y", which can be a vowel ))
Wifey B: And if anyone even starts thinking of col-regs then I'm shoving you overboard. There's an overriding wifeyreg, "get the heck our of the way." :)
Colregs colregs colregs, start shoving....

This is one of the few cases where someone has the "right of way" and names the place of passage.
Colregs colregs colregs, start shoving....

This is one of the few cases where someone has the "right of way" and names the place of passage.

Wifey B: But does it really take someone thinking colregs to realize that? :rolleyes:
Bet the vast majority here dont know the Western Rivet regs.

So yes......knowing that the tugs need to know where you are and approximate meeting place so they can call it.

One place AIS is gold.

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