OK, My luck ran out on the SS Phelps

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Nov 11, 2022
Sometimes you eat the bear........................
My Velvet Drive took the big swim, fresh water in the bilge. As per suggestions here on this forum, I put #2 diesel in it trying to save it. We'll never know because it all ran out the bottom. UUF DA. Musta' froze. Looks like it's trans-time or at least a case. I have a local shop I have been told will rebuild them, but I'm shopping for a complete unit first, case second. Oh look! Plenty for sale! Not so fast, I need a 2.1:1, not many of those around, all 1:1. So, if you know of one around or case, must it be a certain case to work? (Emailed BW) Let's don't get nuts here, UNDER 2K incl shpg or close to Baltimore md. Second question- I found a 1.9:1, about 10% overdrive vs my 2.1 . What RPM does a 135 Lehman like on the RPM curve? Don't want to under-rev it.
TKS for all & any help!
A 1.9:1 would likely work, but you'll most likely need a prop pitch change to go with it. And one of the ratios in that range spins the output shaft opposite of input (unlike all other velvet drive ratios), so if either the new or old is that config, it won't swap without a prop change to account for the opposite shaft rotation.
Tks. I have a shop locally who can change the rotation. 2.1 to 1.9 is only a 10% rpm change. I am not sure what the sweet spot is for a 135 yet.
Prop rotation isn't changeable by a shop. To use a different shaft rotation, you'd need to replace the prop entirely. And the rotation of a Velvet Drive isn't configurable either. They either rotate same as engine in Fwd or opposite of engine in Fwd. Unlike some transmissions, you can't just swap the shifter to run it the other direction.
OK, this guy says he can. Tks for the info, we'll see. But mine's toast
Maybe Bay marine in Warwick RI. They had some in their barn a couple of years ago. The previous mechanic left, but hey it's only a phone call. (401) 739-6435
The pump housing can be indexed for either rotation.

That's for accommodating engines that rotate either way, but it doesn't change the relationship between input and output rotation. With 2.57:1 72Cs in my boat, the only reason the props counter-rotate is because the starboard engine spins backwards.
That's for accommodating engines that rotate either way, but it doesn't change the relationship between input and output rotation. With 2.57:1 72Cs in my boat, the only reason the props counter-rotate is because the starboard engine spins backwards.

Yes correct.
See, this conversation right here -- look at the level of mechanical and technical expertise. This is one of the things I enjoy about TF. This particular thread might be Greek to me, but it's a pleasure to watch a display of experience and mechanical aptitude like this. Most of the time it seems like the average driver doesn't even know how to change a flat tire any more.
Might be cast iron or cast aluminum case. Either should be able to be welded.

Might be cast iron or cast aluminum case. Either should be able to be welded.


They are cast iron. I lifted one out and back into my boat when it was on the hard. And humped it around in my garage as I was rebuilding it.
See, this conversation right here -- look at the level of mechanical and technical expertise. This is one of the things I enjoy about TF. This particular thread might be Greek to me, but it's a pleasure to watch a display of experience and mechanical aptitude like this. Most of the time it seems like the average driver doesn't even know how to change a flat tire any more.

Yep. Exactly right.
What is the condition of the old tranny? Have you had a Velvet Drive tranny guy look at it? What if it just needs bearings and everything else bead blasted?

My belief is do it right and do it once. No matter what I put in there it's going to be perfect, so I don't touch it again. Dampner plate motor mounts, get as much as you can while you have room and tools there.
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