Maybe I Should Have Decanted It?

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May 11, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Alaskan 53
Last glass from the bottle this evening.

2010 vintage.


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I still dranked it all up though! :)
That's the good part. I always hoped for the cinnamon stick in homemade apple pie (potent stuff that was!)

Left long enough it was smooth. Too early and the stuff burnt going down. I'm not sure how it was made.
" Drink life to the dregs"
Wait. You gotta show us the label. :blush:
That's old for box wine!
That's the good part. I always hoped for the cinnamon stick in homemade apple pie (potent stuff that was!)

Left long enough it was smooth. Too early and the stuff burnt going down. I'm not sure how it was made.

Are we talking about Apple Pie Moonshine? This is the first time I've heard about it other than in the show "Justified". Now I have to try some! :D
I don't know shows, having gotten rid of the television in 1993. Is that a movie?

It's moonshine I suppose. Those country boys make all kinds but apple pie was my favorite, once it mellowed.
That`s a lot of sediment for a 2010 wine. Some winemakers refine/filter less than others, so throwing "rocks" becomes more likely. What was the grape variety?
That`s a lot of sediment for a 2010 wine. Some winemakers refine/filter less than others, so throwing "rocks" becomes more likely. What was the grape variety?

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