Land cruise

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Tried for the third weekend in a row to take the boat over to a bay we haven't visited before and once again the weather weenies defeated us.* Saturday was supposed to be 10-15 knot winds and Sunday was supposed to be 15-20 rising to 25-35 in the afternoon.* So we took the boat out for awhile on Saturday to run around the bay and see what was what and then spent the night aboard in the marina.* True to the unpredictable nature of our forecasts, even though the northern waters forecast was still calling for 25-35, Sunday was dead-frickin' calm the entire day until about 5 pm when it started to blow "a bit."* We'll try again next weekend......

So we took our time driving home and meandered through the Skagit delta. As we drive some 200 miles every weekend to and from the boat in Bellngham we've made a game of counting raptors along the way (hawks, eagles, and vultures).* During the winter when they're easier to see in the trees we usually average about 15-25 on the drive north.* Yesterday on the way home we counted 70, mostly eagles.

We don't know the story about the turkeys--- when we drove through La Conner there was this flock of them just wandering around the town.

Even though it was an overcast, drizzly day I took a few photos at the little bridge over the Samish River.* Lots of great project boats here and I figure there would be people on this forum who, when they saw them, would be itching to take them on.

I guess if you can't be out on the water a road cruise next to it is a somewhat acceptable substitute......

-- Edited by Marin on Monday 7th of February 2011 01:47:49 PM


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those are really great photos. Particularly the colors in that third photo.* Stunning.* thanks for sharing and sorry the forecast spoiled your weekend.

Have you tried wind mapper?

That is set to the SE but I think it is available for the whole country .* It seem fairly accurate.
JD wrote:


Have you tried wind mapper?

That is set to the SE but I think it is available for the whole country .* It seem fairly accurate.
The problem, as was discussed to some degree in the "Rocna etc." thread is that there is no reliable way to accurately predict the local winds in the overall "Northern Inland Waters" forecast, which is what NOAA issues for the San Juan Islands area.* Local geography in particular conspires to accelerate or decelerate winds outside the overall forecast range.* So if the overall forecast is 5-15 there will be places--- passes, channels, bays--- where the actual winds can be much higher or virtually calm.

There are local private*weather stations here and there (like Bellingham Cold*Storage in our marina or a homeowners association station on Decatur Island*across from the little*island where we have property)*from which, if you know where to look them up, you can see what it's actually doing at the moment.* But there is no forecast associated with these local stations, only current reports or data for*what has already happened.**

NOAA issues "current" wind reports from several weather stations in the area, like Bellingham Airport, Smith Island, etc.**But they aren't really current, they're*what the*winds were*when they updated the forecast, which is every four*hours or so.* A lot can change in four hours, particularly with regards to the very localized winds.*

If you live and boat in the area long enough you can learn some of the local patterns to a degree.* But about the time you think you've got it figured out, the wind won't conform to your "when it's like this the winds here will be like this" guidelines.* This has happened to us many times.

The other "problem" here is that while the forecasters do a pretty good job of predicting what will happen overall, they're often fooled with the "when" it will happen part of the forecast.* This is most likely what happened yesterday.* The winds were starting to pick up when we were driving home in the late afternoon*through the Skagit delta, but this was some eight hours later than the forecast had said they would arrive,and they never changed that forecast all day Sunday.***It may have been blowing hard in the western part of the area all day*but it was almost flat calm in the eastern part.

Bottom line is that we could have gone over to the bay we wanted to explore Saturday morning and gotten home to Bellingham Bay Sunday afternoon and encountered nothing more than two-foot waves or less.* But since I had to be at work Monday evening we didn't want to take the chance of getting caught out if it blew up as hard*as the forecast said it was going to, so we just took the boat out for a bit on Saturday.*

But that's boating in the PNW.* You win some,* you lose some.* We'll try again next weekend.
Ok, I give up.* I am the only person on this site who doesn't know how to post images so they come up as a slide show.* Mine always just post as single images in the post itself.* Any pointers?

Sorry to hijack the post, Marin.....
Delfin--- Clarify what you are*trying to do.* Post a series of small "thumbnails" at the bottom of a message that you click on one at a time and they blow up larger?* This is what I often do, as in the recent "Two boats for Eric" thread.* *Or are you trying to embed an already*large image in a post?* Or something else?
I was trying to embed multiple images that can be enlarged when you click on them, but can't figure out how to do it.* Should I turn in my computer to the authorities?
Okay. Here are the steps I use.

1. Start a new post or hit "Quick Reply" or*"Reply" or "Quote"*to answer one.
2. Type your post.
3. If you started a new post or selected "Quick Reply", select "Advanced Editor" below the text box.
3A* If you selected "Reply" or "Quote" you'll be in the Advanced Editor to start with.
4.* You'll get the text box back but there will now be two small check boxes below the "Show Preview" and "Hide Preview" buttons.
5.* Check the "Attach Image(s)" box.
6.* If you scroll down a bit you will reveal a table of blanks labeled "File Name 1" through "File Name 10."* The table is labeled "File Upload."
7.* Clilck the "Browse" button to the right of the first space.* This will get you the standard navigate-to menu on your computer.
8.* Navigate to the photo you want to attach and select it.* It's name will appear in the blank space "File Name 1" and it's location on your computer will appear in the "Source File" space.
9.* Repeat steps 7 and 8 for however many photos you want to attach.
10.* When you have filled the "File Upload" blanks with however many photos you are attaching, select "Upload Files" at the bottom of the table.
11.* The files will upload to the TrawlerForum server one at a time, top to bottom.* It will take awhile, and you should be able to monitor the progress in the upload window that will appear.
12.* When all the photo files have uploaded you'll automatically*get your message box back.
13.* Click the button "Submit Post."
14.* Your post will be sent and appear in the normal manner.

You can load more than 10 photos at a time, but you have to upload the first ten before you can load more.* Once the first 10 are uploaded you will repeat steps 7-11 to load the next ones.

Once you've done it once it will all make sense.* My instructions look more complicated than it is

-- Edited by Marin on Monday 7th of February 2011 11:33:54 PM
Thanks Marin, I thought that was what I was doing, but I am going to try again.* I appreciate your help.
Delfin--- Keep in mind that there is a maximum photo file size. If you exceed that the photo won't load.
Also, the bigger the file, the longer it will take to upload.....I know that should go without saying but.....
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