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    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Fuel polisher question.
      Curious what the specific issue was with the Procon pumps. I have 17 years on mine with no problems.
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Fuel polisher question.
      There's no perfect answer. I have two for redundancy, and also to allow polishing at 10 microns and transferring to the day tank thru a...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Wire size question, AC side.
      Into which you could plug a heater drawing 20 amps. If the circuit has other outlets, and they usually do, then add those loads...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Wire size question, AC side.
      Unless you know the amperage of the loads being connected, the question of wire size is unanswerable.
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread AWLGRIP Paint Experience.
      When I do a spot repair on 23 year old Awlgrip I have to wet sand it with 2000 grit to dull it a bit. So yes, it is that bright.
    • Delfin
      A few items. First, you listed this passage in your online resume, presumably for USCG sea time. Your position was listed as "Captain,"...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Blue water.
      A sea anchor can also be deployed off a bridal, which is the optimal way of stabilizing a boat in high wind/wave situations, effectively...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Blackwater line replacement.
      Takes about 10 minutes per 30' ft of hose I'd guess and about $15 worth of tape, but perhaps I'm just being profligate with my time and...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Blackwater line replacement.
      Or, you can wrap the hose with Petro Tape before installing and it will never dry out, nor stink. I've wrapped a grade 8 bolt head...
    • Delfin
      Delfin replied to the thread Blackwater line replacement.
      If you wish to never have to replace it again because it stinks, wrap the sanitary hose with Petro Wrap.
    • Delfin
      Delfin reacted to Blissboat's post in the thread Synthetic oil for diesel with Like Like.
      For over twenty years I have only run synthetic in all my diesels. To me, extending the interval between oil changes is a side benefit...
    • Delfin
      Can't speak for others, but I use 2 12v 8Ds to start because the starter is 24v. I also have no hesitation starting off the LFP house...
    • Delfin
      On #2. Just had my HP pump replaced because the keyway stripped and the tech said it was a common occurrence, and that perhaps folks...
    • Delfin
      Do not start making water with the pressure valve turned up to RO pressure. You'll strip the keyway in the HP pump. Ask me how I know....
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