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May 23, 2024
at first I must tell you that I still have no own trawler, but I´m on the best way to have soon. I´m a professional captain with own ship at European inland waterways, but that´s a different world to the yachting world. Now I started to build my own trawler at a shipyard for professional ships and with experiences in build customized yachts. The naval architect is still busy to realize my simple drawings in a real trawler build up plan.
I read since longer time some chats here at trawler forum.com so I decided to create my own profile to get part of it. Maybe some day I need your help, or I can share my good and bad experiences with my way to get a trawler owner.
A few basics about my future toy I can tell you.
At first it will be a SD hull build by steel and driven by a one shaft parallel hybrid Elektrik-Diesel propulsion system.
Lenght and beam is 18 x 5 Meters or for the most of you 60 x 16,5 feet. Weight around 41 tons or around 90.000 Lbs
I still don´t know what engine brand I will build in. John Deere, Cummins, FPT (Iveco), Hyundai SEASALL (aka DOOSAN) or SCANIA are in the race. I´m from Germany and the first time I will use the boat in Europe, but my wife is from Vietnam so that I will have the boat there and I need service there. All the engine brands I choose are able to make service not so far from my city in Vietnam or at home in Germany.
There is one point I have stilldon´t know what way I will go........ STABILIZERS!
Yes I know the differences and yes I know they are expensive. But I should build my boat from new on with them, because it is much cheaper to build in a new boat then build in later. And if you ever was in Vietnam before, you know they have almost every day wind and waves. My wife and daughter get seasick if we drive with fast ferry from Saigon to our city Vung Tau in 90 minutes. They don´t like it and we need to drive with car at home, and this is what I don´t like . So I need to have one.
Sorry if some sentence are not perfect and if there are words with no sense, my English is not perfect.
Best regards
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