Hello from alaska

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Veteran Member
Aug 11, 2013
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Vessel Make
30 glasply
New member here wanting to say hello. I have a twin engine 30 foot glasply that I cruise Prince William Sound with, but as I'm going to retire soon, I'm wanting to move up a bit. Thanks for all the great info, it is much appreciated.
Hello, Welcome!

We're in Alaska as well, and have cruised the west side of PWS for many years.
Thanks, Kevin, We are moored in Valdez. The sound is spectacular and special to my family. Very nice boat btw.
Welcome aboard
Welcome aboard from a fellow Alaskan in the sound.

Thanks, Kevin, We are moored in Valdez. The sound is spectacular and special to my family. Very nice boat btw.

Thanks, Valdez is very nice. I spent a couple of months there many moons ago putting in the ocean fiber terminal. My son also lived there for a few years when he was assigned to USCG station Valdez.

If we could get a slip in a reasonable time we would seriously consider moving our boat there in the summers. The sound has allot better cruising opportunities, and Valdez isnt that much further of a drive than Seward.
Thanks for the welcome, still waiting on a perm slip, I'm now at 17 after five years.
Alaska, huh? Well, I am in Florida, so I guess that we are just about as far apart as it is possible to be and still both be in the continental US. :) But welcome aboard.

I was born in Alaska when it was a territory and Alaska has never been part of the "continental US".

I have lived in Juneau, Anchorage, Nyac and Platinum near Bethel and most recently Thorne Bay near Ketchikan. After 8 years in Thorne Bay we returned to Washington State along the Skagit River.

I've also lived in Massett BC.
I was born in Alaska when it was a territory and Alaska has never been part of the "continental US".

Um, last time I looked, it was. But whatever. Perhaps it broke off and drifted off somewhere other than the North American continent.
Craig and jwnall,
Yup I must have gotten "lower 48" mixed up w "continental".
Every Alaskan knows that we call the rest of America...


The typical use of the term will be...

"What are you doing on your R&R?"

And a response would be...

"Going outside"
Welcome Spotter, Number of Alaskans reside on this site as you can see. Thank God for Canada. :cool:
Yup ... looks like I'm inside now.

Suites me very well at this time. Need to make a trip to Fisheries Supply soon. And to a prop shop and .. and ...

I miss the land up north our friends. Our best friends in TB have sold their house and are moving to Oregon. Statistics say those that go to live in Alaska on average stay 5 years. I spent 1/4 of my life there but then I started out there. Don't know if the stat mentioned includes natives.

These guys drive crazy here though.
Born in Alaska in 1947, went to Kenai Territorial school, Lived in Ridgeway before it was, Ridgeway, Saw Valdez and Homer destroyed in 1964, Fished off the bridge in Soldatna and pee'd in the Kenai river. Now living in the second largest state on the same continent.
Born in Alaska in 1947, went to Kenai Territorial school, Lived in Ridgeway before it was, Ridgeway, Saw Valdez and Homer destroyed in 1964, Fished off the bridge in Soldatna and pee'd in the Kenai river. Now living in the second largest state on the same continent.

To be a real Alaskan You still gotta wrestle a grizzly and make love to a native.
Dude I thought it was wrestle w the girl and make love to the bear.
That was the Cheechako that drank the quart of wiskey before the bear and the girl.
Indeed my memory is foggy these days.

But wasn't it the Chechako from Texas?
I've lived in Alaska for forty years and consider myself a sourdough. Sour on the state and not enough dough to leave.
I met a fellow from Texas once.
he liked to talk about how big things in Texas are.
He was telling me that sometimes he gets in his truck and travels all day just to get to the gate of his ranch.

I told him "I used to have a truck like that"

That was the Cheechako that drank the quart of wiskey before the bear and the girl.
There was a great book called the "Cheechakoes" that I read about 9 years ago. It's about the Short boys and their family moving to Alaska in the forties. Bears, boats, survival...it has it all.

The Short Boys: Cheechakos no more |
I was a cheechaco. 1959 at NYAC. Not an eskimo name. New York Alaska Gold Dredging Corp. About 65 mi SE of Bethel up the Tuluksak River. Worked 7 mos straight 12 hr shifts plus some spotty overtime. I was a penstock tender, a bucket line dredge oiler and a bull cook. $1.67 an hr. At 84 hrs a wk I did make money. I operated a boiler at the penstock to keep the penstock and flume to the powerhouse from freezing. The season started April 15 and we flew out the 10th of November. Came and left in a blizzard like weather.

The next season I worked at Platnum on the Bering Sea coast so of Bethel. There I was a powerhouse tender .. operating engineer they called it.
Ah yes manyboats, Bethel, a good looking woman behind every tree there.
Trees?? In Bethel.

That's so funny.

Geez guys

I'm feeling like a newcomer!

I moved here in 1990 to work at a little company called Alascom.

I still love the summers, but were to a point where we are considering our options for the winters.

Our boat is one of those options. A house you can move.

We can be in Anacortes in 3-4 weeks

Ensenada in a couple of months.

But alas I'm still on the slope, slaving away for a few more years
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Eight months for me, can't wait. Missing winters and cruising south sounds good to me.
There were lots of trees at Nyac. The trees were nothing like what we have in SE. And I had an Eskimo girlfriend. There were a few young girls there but not many women. I was 19 at the time. A lot of work, whiskey and young girls. Then I was fine on 3 hrs of sleep a night.

Speaking of Alaskans remember Arctic Traveler .. Jeff?
Here he is leaving Thorne Bay several years ago.


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