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Jul 15, 2016
I live in Yakima, but am close to retiring and planning to move back to the coast. Originally from Seattle/Bainbridge Island where I lived on a 46' sailboat for about 12 years.

As much as I love sailing I think Puget Sound is really powerboat country. It seems like when the sun is out the wind is calm. So I'm now looking at the idea of a 48'-52' trawler to live aboard again and enjoy the water once more.

I've been poking around on this forum for a while and am very impressed by the depth of knowledge and experience here, as well as the friendliness of the members.

So, hello to all!:thumb:
Welcome, I was born in Yakima, spent a little time in Colorado and now live on the beautiful gulf coast.
As much as I love sailing I think Puget Sound is really powerboat country. It seems like when the sun is out the wind is calm. So I'm now looking at the idea of a 48'-52' trawler to live aboard again and enjoy the water once more.

Welcome and good luck. I just made the switch from sail to power this year. For me and my wife, at this point in our lives, it was a great move.
Welcome aboard, Tripp! Yakima is a nice town. Were you there in 1980 when Mt. St. Helens erupted and buried the town in ash?
I was going to college at Seattle Pacific at the time, our family home was nearly crushed by the ash though (we got nearly 9 inches on the roof.) It also destroyed my prized '47 Willys Wagon. Kind of glad I missed it actually!
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Yes, volcanic ash is very corrosive stuff. Sorry you lost your prized Willys.

I was flying a small plane from Chicago to Phoenix shortly after the eruption, well S and E of the ash cloud. I watched the sun set only to reappear below the ash cloud and set again on the real horizon. It was the most spectacular sunset I've witnessed...but oh, the damage that was unleashed by that volcano. Amazing power!!
Tripp, I live in Yakima too, well actuall Cowiche. We should get together over coffee and chat sometime.
I was going to college at Seattle Pacific at the time, our family home was nearly crushed by the ash though (we got nearly 9 inches on the roof.) It also destroyed my prized '47 Willys Wagon. Kind of glad I missed it actually!

Tripp, one of my classmates from Optometry school practices there in Yakima. He is also a SPU alumn but likely 2-4 years ahead of you.
That would be great. My schedule is pretty open the next week or so.
Welcome. I also made the switch from sail to power earlier this year. I have found this forum to be a great help.
I also live in Yakima and am near retirement. Our boat is in Anacortes, however my wife says she's never living aboard. I'm surprised by the number of Yakima related folks on this forum.
Hi Lyle,
It is good to know there are a few of us here. We should all meet up some time.
Tripp wrote;
"It seems like when the sun is out the wind is calm."

Wow .. "seems" the total opposite to me. I dislike sunshine for that reason. Give me a cloudy day mostly free of wind and w no need for sunglasses. A day benine enough not to need protective gear.

Either works fine and a good mix is just what we have. Nice.

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