Gulf Island through French (and Scottish) eyes

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Some photos I just received from our friends in France who took a cruise with us in the Gulf Islands in September.* The flag arrangement is not too kosher but we flew the French flag for the wife and the Scottish flag for the husband.* The husband was fascinated by all the driftwood in the islands--- if he'd had his way he'd have loaded a container with the stuff and shipped it home.


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Thanks for sharing Marin....awesome pics!!!!
I think I recognise Montague Harbour (out of the busy anchorage, Mayne in the background), Clam Bay and maybe Sidney Island. the others are elusive, so how about a cheat sheet to identify each picture?
There is nothing wrong with your flag protocol. The courtesy flag for the country on top, honoring your guests in the order of importance next.
We had our French son-in-law and some of his family out with us this summer and also flew the tricolor to honour them. We flew it at the top of our starboard flag halyard, but of course we didn't need that space for our Canadian flag.
They were thrilled with the local scenery as it is so different from anything in France. None had visited here before, but now I expect they will return.
The locations are Galiano Island, Ganges, Sidney Spit, Saanich Inlet and Brentwood Bay. We didn't get very far north this year because our cruise was scheduled around our friend's arrival by floatplane and our desire to go to the Saltspring Island Fall Fair and our friend's desire to visit Buchart Gardens.

-- Edited by Marin on Wednesday 4th of November 2009 11:17:16 PM
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