Gardner Canal

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Apr 3, 2011
Vessel Name
Phoenix Hunter
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 (1985)
I hope that my cruising plans include Gardner Canal this year. “MurrayM ” used to spend time there, but I don’t think he frequents the forum anymore. If anyone has experience there, please share.

I have not been in there in the last 16 years, but 16 years ago, we were there for close to 2 weeks and saw maybe 2 other boats the entire time. I too would like a current report.
Stabi: Thanks! Do you recall where you anchored in GC and details of those locations? Murray talked about anchoring off Brim River.

I will look at a chart tonight, but there was a large mooring ball at Europa Hot springs, which needless to say, we had to ourselves for an evening and next morning soak
we were there in 2022, spectacular! Try to time it with sunny skies for maximum wow factor

We set up for the trip in Kitsaway anchorage. First stop was Owyacumish bay. Challenging anchorage but beautiful. We tried to set on the creek side but ended up moving to the east wall…deeper but better swing room. Fun to dinghy explore all around.

Second was Chief Matthew’s bay, anchoring spots easy. Like the Walt Disney of waterfalls. You can dinghy up the river for at least a mile, glorious

Third stop was Kiltuish inlet. You can read about it. Absolutely stunning inside

Didn’t see another pleasure craft the entire time

Have fun!
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