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Nick F

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    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Starlink Cable Deck Penetration.
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      You can´t make a neat hole through rubber (nitrile) sheet with a drill. You should use a gasket punch. A larger hole can be made by hand...
    • Nick F
      Nick F reacted to BB-marine's post in the thread Heat exchanger gasket with Like Like.
      The gaskets are readily available from after market resources. Measure the size of the exchanger cap and order based on the diameter...
    • Nick F
      Nick F reacted to 920richardf's post in the thread SYNC Guage Wiring with Like Like.
      I believe there is another component to this system. The sync module takes the feed from the tachs and outputs to the sync gauge. Both...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      Unfortunately, not a very helpful answer IMHO.
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      Paaulga - the link you posted is "rubber" (not Buna-N, NBR). Here is Nitrile sheet (it is available in different hardnesses. I...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Accumulator tank size?.
      As shown in post #10, a household unit works fine and they are enormous for boat use (1 - 2 gal)...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Accumulator tank size?.
      My opinion: You do not NEED an accumulator. Many people like having an accumulator because it reduces pump cycling. It also allows...
    • Nick F
      Nick F reacted to Duvie's post in the thread Fuse? Identification with Like Like.
      Charlie, I probably wrote that poorly. My comment was to suggest that there is high current available from the Alternator wires at the...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      I have a gun cleaning rod. I consider that it only removes the loose stuff and I would not think of spinning it with a drill - I simply...
    • Nick F
      Like the OP, I also went from sail to trawler. At first I felt very insecure with any rolling (beam sea). I knew that the trawler could...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Fuse? Identification.
      1 the protection (fuse) should always be at the start of the thinner wire (because the wire is only protected downstream of the fuse)...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Fresh water pump install.
      Water hammer? Try adding an accumulator downstream of the pump. Here is one example...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Fresh water pump install.
      I wonder how these switches fail. It is possible that the contacts go bad because of the sparking which happens at the instant of...
    • Nick F
      Nick F replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      I would say no. Grease is a very thick kind of oil. I saw people talking about using grease on the sheet gasket. I have seen grease used...
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