1988 volvo tamd41a

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Jul 14, 2016
Hi joined 4 years ago watching but only posted a couple of times now I have a problem with my volvo tamd41a engines with coolant leaking from the o/flow from port engine found the coolant looked like mud drained and flushed now I have a question that I cannot find anywhere does anybody know what pressure the coolant caps should be for these engines thanks in advance for the answer
Hi joined 4 years ago watching but only posted a couple of times now I have a problem with my volvo tamd41a engines with coolant leaking from the o/flow from port engine found the coolant looked like mud drained and flushed now I have a question that I cannot find anywhere does anybody know what pressure the coolant caps should be for these engines thanks in advance for the answer

I replaced mine a couple of years ago. IIRC 7# caps. Take the old one with you when you are shopping, the vendor should be able to confirm the pressure the old was for.
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