3208 oil filter wrench

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Oct 24, 2018
Vessel Name
Mischief Managed II
Vessel Make
1992 Tollycraft 44 CPMY
These filters are quite big... None of my wrenches will fit. What's the best oil filter wrench for these beasts?
I use the big adjustable oil filter pliers on my 3208s. They look like stretched out channel locks. Think I got them at Harbor Freight.

Cheers, Bill
I have a bunch of different wrenches. But the strap wrench for pipes works pretty dang good and was about $20 at home Depot. Iirc.
I bought a filter wrench at NAPA that fits my 3208 filters
I also bought an oil filter wrench for these filters at Napa it is a super heavy duty wide band oil filter wrench
I use a large strap wrench. It works well. Anything like channel locks will not fit on my starboard engine. The strap wrench will flex enough to easily slip in and around the oil filter.
Only thing to keep in mind is the thickness of the jaws. i have a small set and large set. they work good but the jaws are thick and sometimes wont fit between two filters like the 3208 has. the metal strap styles work good but lack leverage if you run into a really tight filter.
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