New Member Albin 40

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Jun 26, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Albin 40 Trawler
New Member here. Purchased a Albin 40 trawler one year ago. I have been spending all my spare time working on a boat that had been neglected for 5 years. We will be taking a short cruse on the fourth of July. There is still months of work to do.
Welcome aboard, Poppa! You know the rules here-no pics, it didn't happen! Hopcar will brief you on the other few rules.
PoppaT Welcome aboard! It's best not to ask about anchors or guns on this forum. It will start a never ending thread. The answer is always the same. Your anchor is too small, it's the wrong kind and you don't have enough chain.
Your gun is too small, it's the wrong kind and you don't have enough ammo.

Parks-I am thinking of adding this to the boat. Is it big enough?
THD, that impresses the heck out of me, but you know this forum.
According to these guys, the Iowa class battleship needed bigger guns.
Working on my neglected Albin 40 for 4 years now...

Was a 3 year plan...closer to a 10 year plan...then it's like a bridge project...start all over again at the other end

Good luck.
Welcome from another Albin owner. You might also want to check out the Albin owners site if you haven't already done so. Post some pics!
I can't post any pics yet?????

Parks-I am thinking of adding this to the boat. Is it big enough?

Looking forward for a full-auto (machinegun) version? :rolleyes:
Pop pay, I think you need to make ten posts before you can post pictures.

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