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Aug 1, 2015
We are landlocked sailors, (last boat Dickerson 37, Gryphon) and are exploring the idea of doing the loop in few years or maybe a piece at a time. Our closest access to any part of the loop and side cruises is the Chattanooga area. So if anyone has opinions of marinas or other info on that area, please feel free to chime in. Our sailing was the Chesapeake and surrounds out of Tolchester.
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Howdy Lockerman, you're going to love the inland cruising on the Tennessee River! No tides, little current, no hurricanes, good fishing and lots of wildlife along the riverbank. I'm up by Knoxville on the Little Tenn., but get to the Chatanooga area a little. I'm more likely to anchor out, as we have hundreds of quiet coves to overnight in along the river. We have a couple of TF members that are more familiar with the Chatanooga area marinas, and I'm sure they'll chime in here soon. Good Luck, Ben

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