Prawning on B C waters

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Bob Jack

Nov 17, 2016
Vessel Name
Hi guys, I’ m looking for some suggestions for prawning in BC Salish Sea waters. Topics like weight in trap, type of bait, depth, and length of time submerged. Thanks in advance.
weight in trap, type of bait, depth, and length of time submerged.


Weight depends on the weight of the trap, current, size of float. You don't want the trap to move, but more weight makes recovery more work.

Bait varies with the location. In some locations, pellets are king, in others, cat food.

Depth also varies with location. I haven't tried less than 250' or greater than 450', but you get to know when your trap comes up empty that it is tile to try a different depth.

Time submerged varies with location. In some, the current will wash out the bait in a few hours. In others, never. Once the bait is gone, you are merely storing the few prawns that have entered your trap, not attracting more.

Have fun learning what works for you.
Hey Keith
I did not notice commercial prawn/crab fishers as in years past. I have had good catches buying direct. This year only time was in winter cove where a boat stayed overnight due to Salish sea conditions. What have you seen?
A benchmark that we use is 300' Best results have been in a hole with shallower water surrounding. Commercial prawn bait works well especially if you mix it up with some fish oil. Salmon carcasses also work. There's a big debate in letting the pots soak overnight vs say 4 hrs. Overnight has been best for us. 300 ft is not absolute and we've done well in 200 ft in some locations.
Hey Keith
I did not notice commercial prawn/crab fishers as in years past. I have had good catches buying direct. This year only time was in winter cove where a boat stayed overnight due to Salish sea conditions. What have you seen?


I think the commercial season ended in mid June this year. so fair game for us after that. We did well enough, prawns for dinner last night and enough for once a week or so until next season.
I have been fishing spot prawns for over 30 years and have tried every imaginable bait. The best that I have ever found is a mix of commercial pellets, herring oil and canned mackerel, the plain stuff with no added tomatoes etc. The more mackerel the more prawns except it disperses in water more quickly than the pellets. You will be about 48 hours from mackerel but double that with a mix. I top off with a shot of oil every time I pull the pots. Hope this helps someone.

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