Hit and run

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Aug 30, 2016
United States
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Vessel Make
1986 Marine Trader 36' Sundeck
Just need some opinions here if God forbid this happens again.

Southerly was rear ended by another boater in the St. John’s river. Luckily there was a hard kayak on the swim deck that took the damage. Most likely will be throwing that away. I was hotter than hot in more ways than one.

It was a sailboat under power named Sea Mint (Gainesville). He did not stop, just took off. There seems to be a debate whether this should have been repor to the coast guard or not. Southerly had no damage as I mentioned above, but the kayak will need to be replaced.

So I ask you, what is your opinion? Should this have been reported? I did not report it.
Report it to the CG and also local authorities.
He’s a complete slug - report him. If he hit hard enough to destroy the kayak, how did he know you hadn’t sustained damage below the waterline, and worst case, were taking on water?
Ms. D. Bummer. By all means report such behavior. Get the incident on record. Not only for the replacement of the kayak BUT for any possible damage that you might be unable to see at the moment. On the road, it's against the law to leave the scene of an accident and it may be the same on the water. I don't see how it can't be.
Sigh...kinda knew I didn’t do the right thing by not reporting it immediately. All of you are right. That seem to be the thinking of all here. Won’t report the kayak to ins., as I will just outright purchase another.
Ms. D. Bummer. By all means report such behavior. Get the incident on record. Not only for the replacement of the kayak BUT for any possible damage that you might be unable to see at the moment. On the road, it's against the law to leave the scene of an accident and it may be the same on the water. I don't see how it can't be.

Absolutely required by Florida Statute 327.30. Also specifically required to make reasonable effort to locate owners of unattended vessels or property that you damage. Collisions resulting in $2000 or more damage must be reported to authorities. Only “crime” specified is third degree felony for leaving scene of boating accident involving injury.
Agree with all above. Report. Also, gather any witnesses while memory is fresh.
I would report it, find out who their insurance company is, and file a claim with their insurance company. Maybe you can make Sea Mint's insurance premium go up. :thumb:

Benthic the Contrarian !! Often times in a car, people will not report accidents so they don't get their insurance rate increased. If you're not even going to report the Kayak to the insurance, what will you gain by reporting it ? Sure you can make the world a better place by getting the other guy a citation, but are you willing to pay for that out of our own pocket ? I'm sure everyone will call me selfish, and that's fine.
I don’t get your point: you can report a crime to the police without telling your insurance company.
I would have reported to local police and CG. Those are just not the type things I can ignore.
I'd report it. Please let us know what transpires as this is something that can well happen to any of us.
Thanks for bringing it up!
Non emergency call to sheriffs department in county where accident happened. How much was the kayak worth?
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USCG requires a Report of Marine incident USCG form 2692 to be filed in the case of grounding, damage in excess of $10,000 or resulting in pollution or injury. Your accident doesn’t rise to that level. I would report it to the local Sheriff or Marine Patrol.
I agree with the others. Report it to both the USCG and the local law enforcement folks. No way you should have to replace the kayak on your own dime. It was the boaters fault. Leaving the scene of a collision is just wrong on so many levels. The skipper of Sea Mint needs to be held accountable.
Many years ago my dinghy was swamped and overturned in a cove at Main Duck Island in lake Ontario by the wake of the CSL Atlantic Erie. I radioed the Cdn. Coast Guard and they stopped the ship in mid lake, determined that the ship had gone to full ocean speed prior to passing Main Duck Island which is not allowed under Seaway rules. The ship was fined, my damage was repaired and I got a check for the lost goods. Interestingly the check came from their "risk management dept." It seems they calculate just how much they can get away with vs. the income from the cargo.

I would file a claim with my insurance company for the $750. They will go after the other boaters insurance for reimbursement.
Ocean-going ships transiting the San Francisco bays/estuary usually travel at 10 to 12 knots. Their wakes are minimal. Worse wakes are usually produced by high-speed ferries and higher-than-hull-speed recreational trawlers. (is that you?)
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USCG requires a Report of Marine incident USCG form 2692 to be filed in the case of grounding, damage in excess of $10,000 or resulting in pollution or injury. Your accident doesn’t rise to that level. I would report it to the local Sheriff or Marine Patrol.

Hit and run is what would bring the CG into my reporting.
What is to be gained by reporting the incident if the OP is not trying to recover the cost of the kayak ??

Ensuring that he is a) more careful in future since this could have been a lot worse, b) the authorities, even though they may not have the proof that he did it, would have it on record if it happens again and c) to let him know that he just can't get away with a hit and run.
Does this look like the vessel? The Documented Vessel Database is a good place to start for issues like this.

A private letter to the offender with the message that there will be offical follow up if he does not respond might be the best course.


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ONLY $750???? Must be nice. Sorry Ms. D but if someone did that much damage to our boat, I'd be all over them. A minor bump with a small scrape, probably OK but...
Hit and run is what would bring the CG into my reporting.

If the captain of the offending boat doesn’t have a USCG issued license then I don’t believe they have jurisdiction. They don’t have any enforcement penalty. Can’t take away the license. I think it goes back to State or County law enforcement.

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