Delfin in Kitsaway

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Jul 22, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
30' Sundowner Tug
Spent a night in Kitsaway Anchorage on BC's north coast with Delfin last night.

Had a short chat yesterday, but my daughter and I thought it best that the three dogs in our dinghy didn't join his two dogs ashore. Could have been interesting...

We were idling up to Delfin for a chat after pulling our anchor this morning, but he had just pulled his anchor too. It was only after looking at the photos did I notice Delfin's fenders were out, so I guess he had planned to stop by Badger for a visit as well. Next time.

We chatted again as we slipped side by side out of the anchorage, then he headed towards Prince Rupert and we headed north to Kitimat.

Delfin is a fine vessel.


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Very nice vessel indeed! And nice landscape around!

It was great seeing you Murray, and thank you again for the local knowledge.
Headed homeward slowly--Tacoma by October1.

Doing a pax drop in Petersburg tonight and tomorrow; a pick up in Ketchikan on the 11th. Bishop Springs is on my list; can you confirm that's a good deviation? Kitsaway? Anything else in the neighborhood
Headed homeward slowly--Tacoma by October1.

Doing a pax drop in Petersburg tonight and tomorrow; a pick up in Ketchikan on the 11th. Bishop Springs is on my list; can you confirm that's a good deviation? Kitsaway? Anything else in the neighborhood

I really was impressed by Petersburg for such a small and relatively isolated town.
Headed homeward slowly--Tacoma by October1.

Doing a pax drop in Petersburg tonight and tomorrow; a pick up in Ketchikan on the 11th. Bishop Springs is on my list; can you confirm that's a good deviation? Kitsaway? Anything else in the neighborhood

In the Douglas Channel area:

Bishop Bay hot springs is too close to the Inside Passage and crowded for our tastes. Europa hot springs up Gardner Canal is much nicer, hardly ever visited, and has two mooring balls.

Gardner Canal (east of the Inside Passage) cuts 60 miles into the Coast Mountains, so gets more impressive the further you go in. Don't trust the charted depths around estuaries though...they've changed shape considerably since they were sounded by material being brought down from the surrounding mountains.

If you go up Gardner, be sure to poke your nose into the small bay the Brim River runs into...doesn't look like much from a distance but gets really impressive the closer you get.

McMicking Inlet on Campania Island (west of the Inside Passage) is completely opposite of Gardner Canal being a low lying island with little nooks to anchor in and sandy beaches.

That's two of many!
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Delfin just looks so at home in that cool, hazy environment. Here in Gulf Coast FL, she’d be just as striking, but 1. out of place and 2. Probably aground.
Headed homeward slowly--Tacoma by October1.

Doing a pax drop in Petersburg tonight and tomorrow; a pick up in Ketchikan on the 11th. Bishop Springs is on my list; can you confirm that's a good deviation? Kitsaway? Anything else in the neighborhood

Stop by Khutze Inlet which is about 35 miles south of Kitsaway, and anchor at the head of the inlet near the waterfall. Deep water, but very doable and it is one of the prettiest fjords we've seen.


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For AlaskaProf & Delfin;

If you have the time, Mussel and Kynoch Inlets are also pretty nice. Continuing south from there and going through Reid Passage to enter Seaforth Channel is highly one section it's about 500' wide for one nautical mile.
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Khutze and Kynoch were already on my list. BC Parks website reinforces your recommendations; I've added them.

Keep the pictures coming guys. I’m loving this. I keep thinking what a great trip it would be if I can ever retire.

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