voyeur finally ready to dive in

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Jun 30, 2017
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
CHB 34
Hi everyone, my name is Jai

I purchased a 1972 CHB 34 named "patience" that I look forward to getting very close to. She was previously owned by a very hands-on commercial capt. Who used her as a liveaboard. I am not that mechanically inclined, though willing to learn. As for now, she's in good shape and ready to leave port.

I have done a fair amount of boating in Europe (I'm Dutch) but this will be my first Boat in the US.

She is currently moored in Wilmington, CA but I look forward to moving her some time in the spring to San Diego (If I can find a slip). Until then I shall take her out once a week for short sunset jaunts to keep her moving and lubricated.

Short term projects include;

bottom paint
rudder maintenance (very stiff right now)

medium term jobs;

one soft spot in the backdeck (front was thoroughly overhauled)
updating electronics (add radar, chartplotter and sonar)


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Hi, Jai. I once found one on my twin rudders to be extremely stiff. I first noted the issue when I heard a groaning noise coming out of the open lazarette hatch while turning the helm in the slip with engines off. The cable steering system I had in that 1972 GB 42 had so much mechanical advantage that I never noticed it before. I had to replace a thoroughly corroded rudder table (where the top bearing is located).

I would recommend that you first disconnect the tiller arm on the rudder post from the steering system and see if the rudder will move relatively freely. That will tell you whether the problem is the rudder or the steering system. This will be a good thing to diagnose now before you haul out for bottom paint in case the rudder needs to be pulled for a galled shaft tube.

Oh, and well aboard, glad to have you. Let us know how it goes....
Thank you for sharing your experience. I will certainly do that, since it makes a lot of sense !
explore Catalina island prior to going south. there are many beautiful winter days if you can pick and choose the weather.
Welcome, let us know where you land in San Diego. Enjoy your new toy!
explore Catalina island prior to going south. there are many beautiful winter days if you can pick and choose the weather.

aye, I intend to do a couple of Catalina with friends runs before then.
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