Timeline/digest of an oil fault caused by an electrical design failure

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Veteran Member
Sep 21, 2014

I wanted to post my experience with a leak from my Onan MDKAW on my Nordic Tug 42. This took too long for reasons I don't think matter here but which are mentioned. The amount of grief this caused me (lost selling time and wasted heartbeats talking with guys with not-insignificant issues with their technical and business skills) lead to a no-prisoners determination/execution of a simple, inexpensive repair process that avoided the very popular recommendation of hoist and swap. I'd hoist/swap anything else I own, and have, but not this.. it's like working on a 4' 800# machine at the bottom of a 4.5' well.

The note is stupid long but by the time I executed both stages of the repair, I had a over a dozen parallel discussions with a very mechanical circle of friends, and writing it down once let those accelerate to the good/fun parts immediately. Since others have that boat/gen combination.. and still others likely have similarly pathological conditions on entirely different boats/gens, I wanted to report it for them too.

My Life-Sucking Gray Swan

I'm obviously happy the repair is done, but the best part for me.. I can finally actively sell the thing. There's a link to the thinking I put in to deriving the price at the end of that if anyone's interested.

Finally, I saw a bunch of guys jump on an earlier post about this making sincere efforts to help me out, so let me say here thank you. I never seem to get posted replies here sent to my email, so I'm not ignoring you if you do post something back.

Safe sailing,

I wanted to post my experience with a leak from my Onan MDKAW on my Nordic Tug 42. This took too long for reasons I don't think matter here but which are mentioned. The amount of grief this caused me (lost selling time and wasted heartbeats talking with guys with not-insignificant issues with their technical and business skills) lead to a no-prisoners determination/execution of a simple, inexpensive repair process that avoided the very popular recommendation of hoist and swap. I'd hoist/swap anything else I own, and have, but not this.. it's like working on a 4' 800# machine at the bottom of a 4.5' well.

The note is stupid long but by the time I executed both stages of the repair, I had a over a dozen parallel discussions with a very mechanical circle of friends, and writing it down once let those accelerate to the good/fun parts immediately. Since others have that boat/gen combination.. and still others likely have similarly pathological conditions on entirely different boats/gens, I wanted to report it for them too.

My Life-Sucking Gray Swan

I'm obviously happy the repair is done, but the best part for me.. I can finally actively sell the thing. There's a link to the thinking I put in to deriving the price at the end of that if anyone's interested.

Finally, I saw a bunch of guys jump on an earlier post about this making sincere efforts to help me out, so let me say here thank you. I never seem to get posted replies here sent to my email, so I'm not ignoring you if you do post something back.

Safe sailing,
It’s not just boat mechanics that are slim pickings these days. It’s across society.
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