Pool bar pix from Memorial day weekend

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Oct 5, 2007
Vessel Name
Anastasia III
Vessel Make
Krogen 42
You guys should enjoy these!


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Nice work Keith!

Is the girl in white and in the 1st picture your daughter? She is stunningly beautiful.

Eric Henning
No Eric...I think it's Keith's niece.
You mean Kieth's nice? How would you know Walt?

Eric Henning
Eric: I remember once, before I got married, of appearing in a photo with a rather scantily clad young lady. My date ask me who it was and my answer was "it's my niece!' Why? Nothing more was said.
Nah, just a really good friend. Her name's Sheila. Here's some more pix.


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Oh yeah, gimme that cold, dark, stormy weather any day. Beats the hell out of drinking in the pool w/ the babes. Et tu, Marin?
Baton Rouge
Thank you Keith,

*** ... and Sheila


**** Your discretion appears more advanced than mine.

**** Eric Henning
Gulf Comanche wrote:

Oh yeah, gimme that cold, dark, stormy weather any day. Beats the hell out of drinking in the pool w/ the babes.
At the risk of giving away one of the most little-known advantages of living in the PNW, the girls up here get cold.* Now how do you think we resolve this "problem?"

While you all are down there looking at the babes in the pool, we are up here actively keeping them warm.* Having lived for some 30 years in a place where we spent a lot of time looking at the babes in the pool (ocean), I am convinced now*that*folks*in the cold climates actually*have the better deal


-- Edited by Marin on Friday 29th of May 2009 11:30:15 AM
Dunno bout that Marin!!!!* I think I will take this scenery anyday!!!!...some pics from last summer....

-- Edited by Baker on Friday 29th of May 2009 01:34:59 PM


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No argument that the scenery is great down there. Especially the third photo. But the PNW is the home of Microsoft, Nintendo, Amazon.com, etc. "Interactive" is the keyword up here....
Baker won't let us post the "interactive" photos...

*** I agree on the 3rd pic** ..* wow!
*** Well here's some for the north.


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Eric, beautiful shots. I don't know what I would do with myself in a place like that. Stunning!!!
Yesterdays pics

1.* Up Havanna Channel. At the lower end of Call Inlet. Warren Islands.
2.* Treadwell Bay - At Nakwakto Rapids up Slingsby Channel near Cape Caution.
3.* Part of a large lagoon called The Big Salt near Klawock on Prince of Wales Is. We * ** ** go by there every week on our way to Craig.
4. Bottleneck Inlet on the east side of Finlayson Channel north of Klemtu.

Todays pics

1. On the South Arm of Thorne Bay looking north toward Thorne Bay.
2. South Arm of Thorne Bay. We were looking to buy the property by the canoe. Didn't.
3. Myers Chuck. Other side of Clarence Strait from Thorne Bay. This may be my best * * * * picture. Its on my computer desktop.
4. A very small island at the entrance to Karheen Passage on the east side of Sea *** *** Otter Sound* ..* north of Craig.

-- Edited by nomadwilly on Saturday 30th of May 2009 10:07:49 PM


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Great photos!

As you know I'm somewhat familiar with your part of the world but have no knowledge of PWI. With Admiralty having one of the largest concentration of Brown Bears on the planet, does PWI have any? Do you experience the salmon runs close to Thorne Bay? What wildlife is found on your island?

The last time I was on Admiralty, I took these at the end of Hood Bay.



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The Brown Bears are mostly on the ABC islands. Admiralty, Baranof and Chichagof islands. On Prince of Wales Is we have no brown bears but quite a few Black Bears. We're having a King Salmon Derby now and the usual late summer and fall runs of other Salmon species. The last time we were in Angoon we saw a brownie on the beach just below the store on our way in to the boat harbor. We have lots of deer. Almost daily we have deer in our yard. They don't mind being 12 to 15' away from us. We have lots of Eagles. And they DO have good eyes. One of our friends feeds them from her float house. She raises her hand high up with a fish (herring) in her hand and they see her over a mile away launching out of trees on the other side of the bay and fly directly to her. We have at least 20 float houses on the bay. In the fall there are lots of dead fish on the beach and floating in the water. If you want to check out Thorne Bay further see www.thornebay-ak.gov and www.thornebayalaska.net

Eric Henning

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