new member from new caledonia

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Veteran Member
Jun 10, 2016
new calédonia
Hi everybody,

I'm Stéphane from new caledonia , dont be so hard with me and my english.....With my family , we're looking for a trawler to live onboard we are 5....:)

We are in contact with different brocker in USA and if we find a boat in america a long travel waiting for us to return with him in new caledonia .
Bienvenue et bonne chance
Welcome to our forum, Stephane. This thread has the potential to tell an epic story of taking a trawler home across the wide Pacific Please let us follow your story.
Hi everybody,

I'm Stéphane from new caledonia , dont be so hard with me and my english.....With my family , we're looking for a trawler to live onboard we are 5....:)

We are in contact with different brocker in USA and if we find a boat in america a long travel waiting for us to return with him in new caledonia .

Welcome. Don't worry about your English, it is a lot better than most of our French would be. Good luck with your search.
Hi everybody
Thanks to your welcome , i'm engineer and I have already restored severals boats and I prefer buy a boat to restaured one more time.For the moment , i have found 3 interresting boats but with so big engines with so expensive consumption , may be i think to stay 1 or 2 mounth to remplace the engine for a more small like ford lehman or detroit 6L71 for exemple because caterpillar or cummins are so bigger for me .
I have found web site wo sell boat with trouble....engine or electrical trouble that is good for me....
we will see to the next episode
Good for you! Welcome to the group. Have fun, amigo.
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