Margarite Marie

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Aug 1, 2015
Vessel Name
Margarite Marie
Vessel Make
54ft x 18ft canoe sterned wooden trawler.
My Name is Nigel Wheeldon and I live in the UK

I have just reached my retirment age and am about to start converting a 54ft x 18ft canoe sterned wooden trawler.

She only has the old Lister 230 hp engine below deck the rest is just space!!!

When I found this excellent forum, I decide that the first thig I would do would be to cast out a net, on the net, for any information the other members/users could possibly share with me in the form of experiences, book & magazine reccommendations, photos, drawings, woodworking plans etc., anything at all will be very gratefully received and cherished.

It is also my intention to keep a blog of work done and put this up on the forum to show what has been done in 'before and after' format.

Please also feel free to warn me about getting carried away with 'overzealous', expectations, any lesson learned from similar projects will be very carefully heeded!!

Looking forward to any and all help and info with my project.

My very best regards to you all.
Welcome aboard, Nigel. Cannot be any help to you with regard to info on your project, but plenty of people on the Forum can, and no doubt will.
Welcome Nigel

I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your project
Welcome Nigel, pictures are required to validate. And Wooden boats are favorites here.
Good Luck Nigel, If it's a project on a boat it's worth doing. There is lots of good information here.

Take Care
Wow, what a project. Will you keep the engine? Good luck.

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