Lofrans Royal Windlass - Manual

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Oct 8, 2007
Vessel Name
Moon Dance
Vessel Make
1974 34' Marine Trader Sedan
I anchored Moon Dance for the first time at the Blue Angels show yesterday at the Naval Academy.* (Most of my trips have been to waterfront bars, no anchoring needed.)

Well, I'll have to admit that I was surprised at the effort required to weigh anchor, so I'm seriously considering a windlass.* I've read a lot of mfg and user input on the merits of electric vs. manual and I'm coming down on the side of manual for all the usual reasons - cost, simplicity & reliability.

There don't seem to be a lot of choices for a manual and the Lofrans Royal appears to be the only realistic route.* But before I plunk down the $ I'd just like to know of any members' experience with this or an alternative device.

This is for a 34' Marine Trader sedan.*

BMR843 wrote:

Here is a link to a one month old post on a sailboat forum that has pictures of the SL Tiger winch.

I saw that post this morning.* Wish the air show had been a month earlier because I would have bought this Tiger the next day!


BaltimoreLurker wrote:

I've read a lot of mfg and user input on the merits of electric vs. manual and I'm coming down on the side of manual for all the usual reasons - cost, simplicity & reliability.
If you normally anchor in pretty shallow water then a manual windlass would be okay if its action is good.* If you normally anchor in deeper water an electric can be a real boon.* For example in the PNW anchoring in 30 to 80 feet is typical and in some anchorages, particulary farther noth, you may even have to anchor in deeper water.* With all-chain rode at a 5:1 scope, you can get a fair amount of chain out.* We carry 200' of all-chain (we should have 250' for this area) and there have been several times we've had all of it out.* Pumping this amount of chain aboard even with a good mechanical advantage manual windlass*could get pretty tiring.

We've been in one situation (so far) where the need to get the anchor in FAST was*critical to the survival of*the boat.* The windlass we had at the time was electric but very slow*(although still faster than a manual) and it became a real race*between getting the anchor up and clear or the boat ending up where we didn't want it to end up.

Fortunately this windlass sheared some teeth six months later and we replaced it with a new*Lofrans Tigres, which*seems to be at least twice as fast as the previous windlass.

It's my understanding that anchorages along the east coast, in Chesapeake Bay, etc. are usually*fairly shallow, perhaps 15 feet or so.* If this in fact is*the case, then a manual windlass would probably be just fine, and your statement about simplicity and reliability is certainly true.
Simpson Laurence 555, 2 speed 10-1 and 40-1 , commy copies are available used .
Marin - I am a* Chesapeake Bay sailor, where the average depth is only 20'.* In my area the only deep spot is the shipping channel and even that is only 50'- 55' deep.* In half the area where I cruise if the boat sank to the bottom I could sit on the flybridge, high & dry, while waiting for a water taxi to come get me! So, yeah, a manual windlass sounds completely adequate.

FF - I'd take a 555 if I could get my hands on one!* Do people call them a "Triple Nickel" like the old Cummins engine?

Thanks guys, for the input.
I'd take a 555 if I could get my hands on one! Do people call them a "Triple Nickel" like the old Cummins engine?

Not that I know of.

If you can wait till next fall Nov - Dec, I will yank the existing SL 555 of our 90/90 and sell it to you. How does $250 , I'll pay shipping sound?

I am getting tired of the manual and have a 12v capstan that has needed installing for 5 years.

The Loop with the full time Hyd setup on LUCY was so EZ that I'm now willing to take weight penalty on the 90/90.
I'll take it.* They come too highly recommended to pass one up!

- Darrell

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