Harborseal New to Trawler Forum

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Feb 29, 2024
Anacortes WA
Hi Everyone, New to the Trawler Forum. We have owned many boats and the last boat was a Bayliner 3988. However this time we are moving into a Trawler, perhaps a age thing. Actively looking at a couple Trawlers now and hope to purchase by summer. Retired and plan on living aboard May to September every year with a few visits in between. Love the beautiful wood floored Cooper Prowler Sedan 42.... Our home port is Anacortes WA.... if you know of a Prowler for sale let me know. We are working with our dear friend Amy who owns Banana Belt. Any other Trawlers we should consider? What do you have and love?
Welcome to TF, and I think you'll enjoy the company of the folk on here. This may well be the last official act as a moderator I perform, as I am stepping down, but having been on here since 2008, I think I can say you will not regret joining up. :flowers:

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