Double carriage returns

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Valued Technical Contributor
Aug 17, 2012
Maybe it is my new PC, a Lenova laptop running Win 8.1 with IE 11, but ever since I got it my posts have double carriage returns in between paragraphs, ie two blank lines in between paragraphs. In the edit or new post input screen I have only one, well not always this message has two carriage returns in the edit screen.

Is it me or the forum software?

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Federal workers are no loner permitted to purchase Lenova computers for work. Lenova is now wholly owned by the Chinese and have many problems.
It happens to me also.

I sometimes go into Advanced and remove the extra spaces.

I won't do that this time. Let's see what happens.

Looks like it didn't do it this time. Typing on a pad now. Maybe it only does it when I'm on my computer.
Don't give up on the PCs.

I run with a minimal 11 in Asus netbook and it works fine. I paid $149 for the netbook on Cyber Monday. Tough to beat compared to a $500+ ipad...and it stands up by itself without buying accessories.

Don't get me wrong...I love tablets for certain functions. I love my Note 8. It gives me access to great maps and apps and another source of wifi on the boat. But I hate typing on it unless I'm using my BT keyboard.

Have you tried using Chrome instead of IE?
Old-ish Dell Win 7 Pro laptop and slightly newer Dell Win 7 Ultimate desktop.... and the editor here (using MSIE 11) sometimes does that to my "Quick Reply" posts, too. (Edit: as it apparently did here. Started a few months ago...)

So, the double carriage return problem seems to be a Forum issue and not specific to any local computer. We haven't heard from the moderators about this issue.

Lenova is now wholly owned by the Chinese and have many problems.

Yes and no.

My company has used Lenovo products since IBM sold off the PC business and I am not hearing or seeing any problems. There has to be some but I am not hearing about them. Using a Lenovo product to type this note too and it is an older machine. We are not having any issue with their products at home either. We have been buying Lenovo for years for our family and extended family use and have not had any problems. In fact, the only systems that had problems was a particular model built by IBM. :eek::facepalm: At work, we had lots of failures on that model as well. A slightly different model was a tank and kept going and going and going.

Any computer company can and does built a model that has problems but we have not had problems with Lenovo products.

Some people will complain about Dell, and they built some problem systems over the years, but I have a Dell desktop that is somewhere around 10 years old and working just fine. It has to die eventually....

I think this is a forum issue and IE 11. I am able to duplicate this issue using IE but other browsers seem fine. Head scratching in progress ;)
Double carriages? Never...

More on Lenovo at Boingboing. The older Lenovo owned by IBM are okay.
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