Cobb Cooking/Heating

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Veteran Member
Feb 3, 2010
We have started using the Cobb for cooking and heating the cockpit (now that that global warming thing has really kicked in and we have 25 degrees in Fl) and made a video of it in action:*
cooking salmon, tenderloin, chicken and bread.

Anyone else using it?
flagold wrote:

We have started using the Cobb for cooking and heating the cockpit (now that that global warming thing has really kicked in and we have 25 degrees in Fl) and made a video of it in action:*
cooking salmon, tenderloin, chicken and bread.

Anyone else using it?

Yes, Flagold, as a matter of fact we've enjoyed our Cobb from about 2003, and love it.* You are the first other person I have heard from using one.* Just a word of warning if using it to warm the cockpit, to make sure you have plenty of ventilation, as like most carbon fired heating sources, it does give off some carbon monoxide.* But yes, they are quick, clean, frugal, versatile and fun, and require so little fuel, and what they do use is much safer than gas cylinders for orthodox BBQs.* And you can sit them on an ordinary table - ideally out in the cockpit, but not necessarily, if you have good ventilation.* Of course the initial firing up needs to be outdoors.


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