Bringing the Sea Star home...Take 2.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Glad it was a smooth trip! Many more choices in Panama City. Enjoy!

Now you are "experienced" offshore cruisers?

Now you are "experienced" offshore cruisers?

Is anyone ever really experienced? I imagine each and every trip could bring something new to experience or learn.
Glad it was a smooth trip! Many more choices in Panama City. Enjoy!

Do you have any recommendations for a seafood restaurant in Panama City? I think we are going to try to stay at St. Andrews I think it’s called? The couple with us are from Indiana and he would like some crab.
Good marina to stay at. There are quite a few restaurants within walking distance. We have not gone to any of them so I can't speak for them but I expect the marina folks would have some good recommendations. Also you can pick up fresh shrimp at some of the boats in the marina. Maybe someone else has experience at the restaurants in that area.
Is anyone ever really experienced? I imagine each and every trip could bring something new to experience or learn.

Of course people get to be experienced. But being experienced doesn't mean you are done learning from new experiences!
I did think of one that I can't not mention. It is located in a small boat at the marina. They are extremely famous for there lunch time hamburgers. It is called Just the cook off the hook. When we saw it we thought no way could this be good. It is so small. But it was fabulous for me. Not sea food but worth trying if you are into really different burgers.
On a completely different topic...there’s a squirrel in my house!!
A friend of ours went by our house to check on our cat and heard a noise coming from an antique hall tree in our side foyer and found the squirrel.
Now what the hell am I going to do about that?
I had that happen to me. When you get home or if you have someone that can do it for you, open all your doors and the squirrel will go crazy bouncing off the wall but will eventually get out with encouragement. You will probably have a trail of squirrel pee though.
I had that happen to me. When you get home or if you have someone that can do it for you, open all your doors and the squirrel will go crazy bouncing off the wall but will eventually get out with encouragement. You will probably have a trail of squirrel pee though.

Currently the cat and the squirrel are alone in the house! This has disaster written all over it.
On a completely different topic...there’s a squirrel in my house!!
A friend of ours went by our house to check on our cat and heard a noise coming from an antique hall tree in our side foyer and found the squirrel.
Now what the hell am I going to do about that?

Easy. Throw the cat in the attic with the squirrel. May the best rodent win. :flowers:
Squirrel+cat =... You might have squat when you get home. Just sayin'

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Square of cardboard smeared with peanut butter by an open door. Squirrel be gone.
So how is the fog over there? We are completely fogged in this morning over in Niceville?
It’s not bad at all over here.
This sailboat has been stuck for 2 days. Must not have a Boat US or Sea Tow membership!
Last night when the tide was low it was leaning over big time. The locals here said someone tried to pull him off yesterday but was too small and not enough power.


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This shrimp boat just almost took out the front of my boat! His anchor was about 6-12 inches away. That was scary for a minute!


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Sounds like it is time to get out of there before anything else happens. Have a nice run to Panama city.
Sounds like it is time to get out of there before anything else happens. Have a nice run to Panama city.

No joke! I like this place though. I’d like to come back when we have more time and stay a few days and explore.
We’ll be headed out within the hour.
Hmmm, after 10 months I have about 6 dead cockroaches (Palmetto bugs)
I think they starved to death
So how is the fog over there? We are completely fogged in this morning over in Niceville?

Well I lied..the fog is rolling in now. Clear just a little while ago. Not so much now.
Well it cleared here. Forecast for over here says it will be completely gone by 9AM central.
Foggy foggy


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The listing sailboat


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It is a beautiful day in the gulf. It’s slick calm. The fog has burned off.
Enjoy, enjoy.
As the old saying goes, "You may but pass this way once."

I would suggest you take lots of pictures underway but just how many pictures of empty water do you really need?
Glad you lost the fog, it can be unnerving. We were bring a previous boat from Seattle to LA and spent 30 hours in a fog so thick at times we could not see the tip of the bow. Almost hit a whale that was snoozing on the surface. The fog lifted for a moment and we saw the whale and made a hard turn. We came within about 50 feet of it. You would think they could hear us since that boat had twin Detroits in it.
We made it to Panama City. All tied up and got the boat washed/rinsed down. Now we are getting cleaned up and are going to head out on foot to food and bar hope.
It is just a beautiful day.


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I think job number one for you is to put a galley on that boat - as you don't seem to have e one! :)

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