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    • L
      It does not surprise me that your inverter/chargers will not sync. their waveform to the incoming ac power and then augment this ac with...
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      Normally selector switches select a source of power, like a generator or a grid/shore power connection. I have two such switches that...
    • L
      The chemistry of the battery does not matter. The math is not over thinking anything. If your shore power was suppling 30 Amps and the...
    • L
      Ok, let's think about this. If your inverter has sensed that the demand is larger than the 30 Amp shore power supply and has now...
    • L
      20 months later and the connection is still made. The contributors to T.F. are amazing! What a system!
    • L
      There is no doubt that a 48 V. system works well in a terrestrial market, but we are boaters. The guys with their feet on the ground...
    • L
      I'm curious here. What do you think are the conditions that existed when you were running both the ac powered charger and the engine...
    • L
      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      You are discouraged to use force or tools to operate these "pissy little" petcocks because inside, the mating surfaces that affect the...
    • L
      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      Permatex's #2 Form a Gasket is said (on the back of the package) to be useful to seal threads. That said, I have never used it for that...
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      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      It is not uncommon for these types of petcock valves to internally seal with a metal to metal contact. If so, there is not a rubber...
    • L
      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      I detest the cheap, poorly coated, steel winged petcocks that the OP originally showed. Particularly if installed on the top of a heat...
    • L
      Here I thought "solid state" when applied to electronics referred to the elimination of the use of things that moved, like the contact...
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      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      This is about what you would be looking for...
    • L
      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      Because diesel engines vibrate quite a bit, anything directly connected by way of pipe threads to the engine is best made from steel...
    • L
      luna replied to the thread question on a shut off valve.
      You can determine which way it turns (to open it, you want to turn it into the T stat housing) by looking at the threads. If it was me...
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