All new members...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

RT Firefly

Oct 21, 2007
Greetings all,
My, my. Seems to be a LOT of new members recently. Due to a technical glitch somewhere in my Commodore 64 I may have missed some of you with my trademark "Welcome aboard" greeting. So for all those I missed...Welcome aboard. C'mon in. Ask questions, post pictures, tell your tall takes, fill out your profile, ask more questions and contribute what you will....Set a spell and chill.
That gif goes perfect with the text!!:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:
Greetings all,
My, my. Seems to be a LOT of new members recently. Due to a technical glitch somewhere in my Commodore 64 I may have missed some of you with my trademark "Welcome aboard" greeting.

Well, that should get rid of a few. :rolleyes:
Let's to MEMBER! Member member mo member, banana bana bo bember, fi fy fo ember. Member.

Anyway, welcome new members. Yeah, there must have been a member drive or maybe some other forum just got too unbearable.
Let's to MEMBER! Member member mo member, banana bana bo bember, fi fy fo ember. Member.

Anyway, welcome new members. Yeah, there must have been a member drive or maybe some other forum just got too unbearable.


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