China made bilge pump, what do you think?

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Jan 20, 2016
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I was recently looking at bilge pump on a well known china direct sales site and I wanted to get your opinion on that.
While I am one of those who try to avoid rubish stuffmade in china I must admit that the price of this push me to question myself knowing that most of stuff we buy nowadays are coming from there.
Here is the link to this thing, please make any comment if you think it is worth a try or titally hopeless. I am thinking that even if this must be changed every 2 years considering the price it is a bargain but at the same time, a bilge pump... well I do not want to play with it.

PLease comment!
Then why are you letting price dictate your thinking for what most people feel is an extremely critical piece of equipment? And about 50 bucks worth of price at that?
How is the Chinese piece warantee fulfilled, by the way?
Then why are you letting price dictate your thinking for what most people feel is an extremely critical piece of equipment? And about 50 bucks worth of price at that?
How is the Chinese piece warantee fulfilled, by the way?

Price do not dictate anything, I am only asking a question and for comments...
Warantee, at this price it is kind of ready for disposal so warranty...
Beyond that, are Rule bilge pump made in US? I do not know I never checked.
But what I know for sure is that a lot of brand are just selling the same rubbish things but just put their label on it to sell it 5 times the price.

Do not misunderstand me, I do not promote anything, I just want to know what people think :flowers:
I wouldn't buy anything direct from China under any circumstances. I've had some experience through my business with trying to fight counterfeit/uncustomed/knock off goods from China and it's usually not good. The sites selling directly to the US are illegal, they have no respect for our laws, pretty much just mid level criminals. And you want to give them your credit card number and your personal info? Don't be dumb.
Sometimes I imagine Chinese manufacturer types sitting around making stuff that just barely passes muster, but is real cheap. I can hear them laughing to each other "Ha ha ha! Americans will buy anything!" And yes, I know you're Canadian...
M. Lt. Really a tough call. I did a bit of research and found one model of Rule pump that was made in the USA so it could be they all are.

"But what I know for sure is that a lot of brand are just selling the same rubbish things but just put their label on it to sell it 5 times the price." I agree 100%. I bought a BIC lighter there and paid $.015. Here? $1.00.

I've bought a lot of "stuff" at Harbor Freight (similar to Princess Auto in Canada) and the vast majority of it is made in China. Quality control is all over the place. Some items that I bought (cheap) 10 or 15 years ago are still working fine and others, died an early death. There doesn't seem to be any consistency so, I guess you take your chances.

I strongly suspect the "China bashers" are working on computers that were, in fact, made in China. So go figure...
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I wouldn't buy anything direct from China under any circumstances. I've had some experience through my business with trying to fight counterfeit/uncustomed/knock off goods from China and it's usually not good. The sites selling directly to the US are illegal, they have no respect for our laws, pretty much just mid level criminals. And you want to give them your credit card number and your personal info? Don't be dumb.

Thank you for your comment. Indeed I am encline to think like you and believe me I am not dumb about dreaming that you can have more for less.

My question is more that knowing most of what we buy here is coming from oversea is there a difference? This is just a question.

As an example, I already bought some very simple stuff that were just identical like simple electrical connector that you crimp on wire (don't exactly the name sorry) and well, it is just the same a piece of metal that you crimp on a wire no magic there. Up here they seel you this for 1$ each and it is honestly a robbery to pay 1$ for something that cost less than 1 cent to produce.

Thank you!
M. Lt. Really a tough call. I did a bit of research and found one model of Rule pump that was made in the USA so it could be they all are.

"But what I know for sure is that a lot of brand are just selling the same rubbish things but just put their label on it to sell it 5 times the price." I agree 100%. I bought a BIC lighter there and paid $.015. Here? $1.00.

I've bought a lot of "stuff" at Harbor Freight (similar to Princess Auto in Canada) and the vast majority of it is made in China. Quality control is all over the place. Some items that I bought (cheap) 10 or 15 years ago are still working fine and others, died an early death. There doesn't seem to be any consistency so, I guess you take your chances.

I strongly suspect the "China bashers" are working on computers that were, in fact, made in China. So go figure...

Thank you Mr Firefly, you exactly express what I thought so my question to get more about what you guys are thinking.
A friend of mine bought LED bulbs... on a 10 pack, 1 one dead on arrival and the 9 still working... but at 1/10 the price well this is what I call the error margin :)

For sure I would not buy my car airbag on this kind of site anyway :)
By the way I reched my 100th post, what a milestone!!! :dance:
I've had "good" quality Rule bilge pump switches fail within a year several times. I've started buying a Taiwanese brand bilge pump and switch at half the price and have had no problems. For the same price as replacing the Rule pump & switch, I installed the TMC gear, plus another backup at a slightly higher level.

I see it as using cheaper gear for a safer outcome. High cost does not guarantee good quality.
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I've had "good" quality Rule bilge pump switches fail within a year several times. I've started buying a Taiwanese brand bilge pump and switch at half the price and have had no problems. For the same price as replacing the Rule pump & switch, I installed the TMC gear, plus another backup at a slightly higher level.

TMC International Industries, Inc. - Search - Page 6

I see it as using cheaper gear for a safer outcome. High cost does not guarantee good quality.

Indeed for some stuff I agree with as like I wrote before some brand are just applying their label on the same gear.

As an example not related at all to marine gear, I bought an IR remote control for my camera for 3 $ when canon is selling it for more than 50 bucks and believe me it is exactly the same without the brand and working very well.
But I also think it is not a general rule that apply for everything, and every vendor.

THank you for your input!
Any pump can fail at any time, the real issue is testing and redundancy.

Manage the risk, whether cheaper of unknown quality or more expensive that still doesn't work forever or may fail for wiring isdues.

Trust but verify.
As stated above I'd be more concerned about giving them my credit card. The quality of the pump may be great......or not. Maybe same mfg as Rule.
A Rule model 10 non automatic pump is about $105. It is made in Mexico and carries a 3 year warranty.
The gold series is about $20 bucks more. It carries a 5 year warranty. The last one I purchased is now about 8 years old and works perfectly. I have no idea where it is made.
The idea of saving a few dollars on something as important as a bilge pump baffles me.
Don't go out to eat this week or this month if you have to but spend the extra dollars on something of quality!
Sometimes I imagine Chinese manufacturer types sitting around making stuff that just barely passes muster, but is real cheap. I can hear them laughing to each other "Ha ha ha! Americans will buy anything!" And yes, I know you're Canadian...

I note your vessel is a Cheoy Lee. My IPad I'm working on is made in China. As RT says other stuff too. Marin (where are you) travels routinely to China to view stuff Boeng makes there. My last employer and best gig ever in my career was the Chinese government.

The Vancouver real estate market and economy has been driven by LEGAL Chinese immigrants for +30 years, US colleges too. Chinese immigrants into North America pretty well built the western US railroads and made the canneries work. Look at the wind farms littering the landscape, guess where the bulk of the generators are sourced.

Rule pumps made in Mexico :facepalm: vs those made in China. Ahh Mexico, the metaphor blood diamond capital of NA.

My rant could go on for a long time if I listed the Chinese made stuff we all use. What if exploding Teslas were made in China, would their importation be banned? Now back to eating off my China with SS utensils from guess where.
Dont knock Chinese made products remember Jeeps are made in America

Do you mean the ones made in China, Brazil, India or the US? The first 3 may yet have their fabrication plants under construction.
Given the choice I would avoid anything made in China, especially critical safety items, or toothpaste!!! Sometimes it is hard to tell. Pretty much everything sold at WM seems to originate there!! If it is not made in the USA, I prefer to give jobs to Mexicans, Canadians, or Europeans.
I've bought 9 Rule pumps in last 10 years for several boats. US and Mexican made. Seized shafts, melted housings from bad brushes, and auto pumps that don't turn off and kill the battery. No way would I count on a cheap Chinese bilge pump. Fish pond fountain pump, sure.
I usually try to replace things like bilge pumps with identical units, I already have the holes drilled in my boat and I don't want to drill any more of them. I also usually buy more than one of whatever needs to be replaced and have a spare on hand so I definitely won't have to drill any more holes.

That's just me, but that's how I do it. If you shop around a little you can get name brand parts for less, going with "no name" products doesn't work for me...
The issue isn't that it's made in China. The issue is what company is supervising that manufacturing, setting the quality standards, testing and reviewing product manufactured and standing behind it. I would have no problem with a Chinese manufactured bilge pump from a company I know and trust. I would not under any circumstances buy one from someone I didn't know and trust.

You attacked Caltex for suggesting it was a mistake letting price dictate this purchase and then said price didn't dictate, but the reality is that price is the only reason you're considering this company to buy from.

All bilge pumps are relatively cheap pieces of equipment and not made nearly as well as I wish. However, I don't want to put my boat at greater risk by buying anything but the best I am aware of. I would not cut corners by taking a chance on an unknown brand. Also, as psneeld pointed out, redundancy and frequent testing are critical. Warranty of a $50 part is hardly reassuring when your boat is sitting on the bottom.
I prefer Rule bilge pumps but had one fail at 5 years old. That's why they must be tested regularly. I don't recall where the replacement Rule was made.

Of course almost everything I own seems to be made in China. Except our china. That was made in New Jersey. :-D
I checked to see what one could by a genuine 2000 gph Rule bilge pump for on Amazon- about $100 as the OP noted.

But I saw this one for $49.99-

Same price as the OP's one and yes, almost certainly made in China. But because it is sold through Amazon, there is no problem with credit card fraud and Amazon guarantees it to be as advertised with a no questions return policy.

So, if you have to buy a bilge pump made in China (and I won't) Amazon looks like the way to go.

One is none, two is one. I would recommend several installed regardless of manufacture.

I have some Chinamart power tools that I planed to use once and toss as the conditions they were going to be used in were horrendous (one was even dropped in salt water) and they are still working 5 years later.

I bought an air tool to use under salt water as a throwaway, rinsed it and oiled it and guess what it worked for 8 years and died when a friend left it out in the rain for 2 weeks.

It's a crap-shoot anyway regardless of where it's made nowadays so why not give a couple a try.

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