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    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Ford Lehman 120 Long Block.
      I have a spare engine, however your proximity catches my eye... Did you sell?
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Engine removal.
      +1 for rebuild in in the Engine room if you can. If it's just too crowded, in the salon, no need to go out unless the block needs...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Upper Mississippi.
      Maybe because I grew up on the Miss, wingdams don't bother me. I can spot them by sight, and easily on my charts. The Ohio (other than...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Upper Mississippi.
      That's one of the places we didn't dare try with our 5' draft. We stayed at your sister marina in LaCrosse for an extended amount of...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking reacted to Bob B.'s post in the thread Upper Mississippi with Like Like.
      Quimbys book and upper Mississippi River map from core of engineers. We boat upper Missy and St. Croix … moored behind lock 6...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Upper Mississippi.
      We did the UMR last summer. That us us, tied up to the guide wall of St Anthony Falls Lock. Can't go any further. Above us the new I35W...
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    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Stainless Lift Strut.
      ft/inches and ft/lbs of force? with the English measurements there should be plenty of suppliers in the US... hopefully some will have...
    • jgtrucking
      Well I'm in TN and AL alot, unless we travel, then further north. is there any chance you bought a tube that was really old? I ziplock...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread VHF Antenna Upgrades.
      If it Helps: STarboard Forward... 28' above the waterline, to the main PH VHF. Opposite to Port is 29', and dedicated to the AIS...
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    • jgtrucking
      Well I hope we get to welcome you as an IG44 owner! Also keep in mind, if the hard top prohibits you from downtown Chicago (I can just...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking reacted to DBG8492's post in the thread IG 44 Trawler Bridge Clearance with Like Like.
      Heh - I actually did that already. That's what started me down the road to questioning the height reported by the broker. I loaded that...
    • jgtrucking
      Just curious where do you spend your time? As in what Lattitudes? I use 4000UV for not only windows, but all sealant applications above...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Remote Boat Monitoring.
      Well first off, yours are the only I have heard of having a monthly cost... (straight cameras not home security system cameras) I don't...
    • jgtrucking
      jgtrucking replied to the thread Remote Boat Monitoring.
      Yes, but that is off for the winter, and the boat is on Marina WiFi. Things reconnect if it goes down ( it hasn't so far). But it helps...
    • jgtrucking
      I have read that cameras on Garmin MFDs are finicky when they are Garmin cameras, and I suspect that third party cameras like Wyse or...
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