Bad docking day

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I agree the WX here in FL is great. Coming from Dallas where it hits 105F or higher in summer, it tickles me to hear the weatherman say that we almost set a record here with 90F

Add to that the over 150 tornadoes the last few wks there in TX and the tornado alley? No thanks. I'm staying right here. ?
Come to Maine for great spring weather! Why did we bust our humps putting the boat in early?


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Back to the thread title....

A bad docking day is when you pull in and you have a "planned length of stay".

I switched my autopilot circuitry to follow air temp 70 degrees, water temp 80 degrees, partly cloudy, 10 knots of wind or less. It is also programmed to pull into any slip hands off and report any boat system malfunctions via the screen.

It will alert me 24 hrs prior to any programmed changes so I can get a jump on them.
The weather is acceptable here year-around. That's why we stay here despite a cost of living 40% higher than most everywhere else.

Mark - GREAT photo collection! :thumb:

I finally reached the end.... hope others punch up the photo and follow through - Art
I agree the WX here in FL is great. Coming from Dallas where it hits 105F or higher in summer, it tickles me to hear the weatherman say that we almost set a record here with 90F

Add to that the over 150 tornadoes the last few wks there in TX and the tornado alley? No thanks. I'm staying right here. ��

I'm with Padre'!:thumb:
Native Floridian here, so I'm pretty much acclimated to the wx :D

Traveled around though, and IMHO, every place has it's advantages and disadvantages as it pertains to weather.

Just a matter of what one likes.:thumb:
For boating, I enjoy a calm morning to get out of the berth and through the lock, with the winds then picking up to 15-20 knots for a nice sail, before calming down as I drop the sails and pull back into the lock.

Sometimes its the opposite. But I still enjoy it.
I tend to be with Marin here, having lived in NZ for my first half life, and now here in Queensland, Australia for the last 26 yrs, I find the heat/humidity here a bit trying, and actually look forward to the non-summer 9 months. Here now in Brisbane our wee weather station is saying it's 22ºC (71.6ºF) inside, and 15ºC (59ºF) outside. You can sleep better for a start. Typical winter temps are 5-10ºC (41-50ºF), overnight, rising to 20-22ºC (68-71ºF), in the day. Love it.

By the way, for those interested, the shortcut for the superscript for degrees, º is achieved by using alt key & 248 in Windows, and option key & numeral 0, in Macs.
I find it helpful, as I use it a lot I guess. Certainly quicker than typing degrees in full, fore sure.

Thanks, I did not know that.
Thanks, I did not know that.

Me neither. Tried it but didn't work til I found you have to use the numeric keypad. Thanks.
75 ° - Cool! err perfect!!

There is nothing better than four distinct seasons, sometimes experienced non-sequentially in rapid succession.
In that same vein, when I see current photos of people I used to work with in Hawaii when we were all in our late teens and twenties but who stayed in Hawaii, they look like a very old saddle. Humidity or no, their skin looks like dry leather.

On the other hand, I meet people who have lived their whole lives here in the PNW and at the same age, they look years if not decades younger than those Hawaii folks. I'm talking Caucasians here. Asians tend to age much better in appearance that haoles do, even in Hawaii.

Wifey B: Excellent point on sun. We're very careful. Lot's of lotion, wherever we're in the sun. Roofs over our heads. I do know many older ladies here who have maintained their youthful skin. Honestly, I saw more who fell victim to what you're describing in NC. My friends here all are obsessive over using sun tan lotion.
Me neither. Tried it but didn't work til I found you have to use the numeric keypad. Thanks.

I posted above…
By the way, for those interested, the shortcut for the superscript for degrees, º is achieved by using alt key & 248 in Windows, and option key & numeral 0, in Macs.

Oh, yes, sorry - forgot that bit - numeric keypad, (the one with the numbers to right of main keyboard), on desktops. On laptops you don't have that, but it works on the top number keys then...I think..? Can someone confirm that or not. I don't have a Windows laptop.

° does not work on a Mac, obviously, but may well on Windows, so thanks for adding that, stubones99.

And…now…back to a 'bad docking day' - sorry for thread interjection, Frg.
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Ms. WBB. No amount of lotion works for me. 30+ years of industrial exposure to IR and UV have made me VERY sensitive to any sun exposure at all. Cover up. If you happen to see someone walking down the road on a sunny day in Lauderdale with a bumbershoot, chances are, it's me.
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iMac here, and 'option' 'top numerical zero key' works, but the side numerical keypad doesn't. Thanks for the tip...should get up to 25ºC here today :)
Ms. WBB. No amount of lotion works for me. 30+ years of industrial exposure to IR and UV have made me VERY sensitive to any sun exposure at all. Cover up. If you happen to see someone walking down the road on a sunny day in Lauderdale with a bumbershoot, chances are, it's me.

Wifey B: A lot of people are because of meds too. We're careful. Reason for tops on boats. And very smart to use umbrella or wear huge cane hat or whatever it takes to protect yourself. We do a lot of our swimming in the evenings.

As to all the ways to type ° vs. degrees, 4 keystrokes vs 7. Could just do deg. or deg.

Well, today it's 84° today with high of 87°.
When I follow PeterB's instructions in the reply box, my laptop changes screens and I lose all of my typed words.

It'll be 75* here today.

Does anyone have a hard time understanding that one? If not, I'll stick with this single-key method.
00 00 ºº got it!:blush:
This tourist-boat captain managed to squeeze between other boats. Probably a common occurrence. (It took several attempts.)

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Wifey B:
As to all the ways to type ° vs. degrees, 4 keystrokes vs 7. Could just do deg. or deg.

Well, today it's 84° today with high of 87°.

Yes, but you have to admit the xº just looks neater, right..?

Flywright said…
When I follow PeterB's instructions in the reply box, my laptop changes screens and I lose all of my typed words.

It'll be 75* here today.

Al, might it be because either you tried the Mac way in Windows, or hit the Windows or some other key than the Alt key, and/or did not hold the Alt key down while hitting the numeric keypad 248 - alternatively didn't hold the Option key down while hitting the 0 if on a Mac.


PS. How's the docking going at your new dock Frgeorgeh..?
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Every day it's OK° here! :D IMO
Flywright said…
When I follow PeterB's instructions in the reply box, my laptop changes screens and I lose all of my typed words.

It'll be 75* here today.

Al, might it be because either you tried the Mac way in Windows, or hit the Windows or some other key than the Alt key, and/or did not hold the Alt key down while hitting the numeric keypad 248 - alternatively didn't hold the Option key down while hitting the 0 if on a Mac.

I used to use the ALT-248 method at work, but on my Windows 8 netbook, there's no numeric keypad. I've had similar results on previous attempts.
Have a numeric keypad with a Windows 8 desktop, and the degree instruction does not work! :banghead:
Wifey B: It's all a matter of °'s. It doesn't take a ° to be able to talk about degrees. Actually can't use ° in that example, should have spelled it out. Now it's all confused. Can't use it to say, using ° vs. degrees is only better by a few °'s. have to spell that out. Seems like ° has such limited use compared to degree which can mean a bazillion things. Can't use it to go up a slippery slope of 20 °'s. Has to be degrees there. Now I have a headache, a headache of the 1st °. :rofl:

Good night....:angel:
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Have a numeric keypad with a Windows 8 desktop, and the degree instruction does not work! :banghead:

Oh dear Mark. Like many, you were seduced into going W8, sorry - feedback not good. You can blame it for the º shortcut not working. Certainly does on W7 we use at work, which does seem to work quite well. You wonder some- times why they can't just leave things alone..?
W8, already supplanted with 8.1 then they skipped 9, and it will soon be W10 or another name altogether, I have heard.

Windows 10: release date, price, news and features | TechRadar
Windows 8 rocks very well, thank you.

Wifey B: Try alt 0176. ° 78°. Make sure num lock is on. On some laptops have to use left alt key, not right.
Arguing over which Windows is better is like arguing over which model Yugo is better....
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