Speed Seal

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Dec 16, 2007
Vessel Name
Old School
Vessel Make
38' Trawler custom built by Hike Metal Products
The last posts I could find on Speed Seal were 3 years ago. Are they totally gone or did someone buy the business? I called the owner and spoke to him about selling, didnt get anywhere.
The old posts had plenty of suggestions on finding O rings so that shouldn’t be a problem in Baton Rouge, lots of industry around here.
As far as I know theu did close up shop. Too bad as it was an excellent product.
The last posts I could find on Speed Seal were 3 years ago. Are they totally gone or did someone buy the business? I called the owner and spoke to him about selling, didnt get anywhere.

The old posts had plenty of suggestions on finding O rings so that shouldn’t be a problem in Baton Rouge, lots of industry around here.
The o-ring is not needed. Just use the paper gasket that comes with the new impeller. Just changed two. No leaks.
But that defeats one of the main benefits of the. speedseal, not having to clean off the paper residue. One of mine was very difficult access and cleaning the old paper off was a pain.
But that defeats one of the main benefits of the. speedseal, not having to clean off the paper residue. One of mine was very difficult access and cleaning the old paper off was a pain.
Yes, it does but is cleaning off the paper really that big a deal? I just did mine. It took maybe one minute even the back side of one of my engines. Plus, those o-rings do not last and replacements are not available. Sure, you could beat your brains out trying to find one from another source or just use the paper gasket. Simple and it works. So, once a year (at most) you have to spend one minute cleaning the paper off the pump cover. Yes, the back side of a twin-engined boat can be somewhat of a pain. By the way, I was offering a solution to when that O-ring fails. At some point you will be using the paper gaskets on your Speed Seal covers.
This thread is several years old but has anyone heard of what happened to speedseal? I was changing the impeller in mine last week and wondered what finally happened to them, or the patent, or whatever.
This thread is several years old but has anyone heard of what happened to speedseal? I was changing the impeller in mine last week and wondered what finally happened to them, or the patent, or whatever.

Unfortunately the owner passed away and the children closed the business up.

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