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For Sale: Sold-Gulf Coast Fuel polishing Filter - PT# F-1

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Senior Member
May 5, 2015
For Sale
Gulf Coast Fuel Polishing
F-1 Filter Assenbly
$ 400.00


Flows: 2 GPM or 120 GPH

Outlet / inlet -- 3/8 " NPT

3 - hose connections -- Bottom drain, & fuel in - Fuel out,
NOTE: all connections are on bottom.

Dimensions: Height - 22.5 " / Width - 7 " / Dia: - 8 "

-- see pictures -- Pictures worth a 1,000 words !

Weight - 36 pounds


Below 1 micron filtration !

99.9 % moisture free fuel !

64 oz water separator capacity !

No Gasket replacement required when servicing !

No tools needed to service & change the filter element !

U.S.C.G Approved !

Uses "Bounty" Paper towels as filter element for end fed filtration, so no more expensive fuel filters. -- Because uses Cheap replacement paper towel Filter elements !

Works great & lasts a long time.

Ready to use - you just supply element.

Can be used as a nice big main fuel filter with super high capacity.

or can be used by adding a fuel circulation pump & valves & hoses as fuel polishing filter to clean your Fuel & Tanks to sparkling clean condition.

This won't be on the market long. These are in big demand.

Shipping extra - ! it is heavy @ 36 pounds & almost 2 feet long.






Located in Southern California - North west of Los Angeles, off highway 101.

Contact me at:​

alfamike8277 at yahoo dot com​


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This filter is all the seller has stated. I've used this same filter on our boat for the last ten years, it keeps our fuel clean, we only change racor elements based on age not because they are fouled.
Great Diesel Fuel Filter - Can't be beat !

Thanks HiDHo.

These Fuel filters are the answer if you want clean fuel with out spending a fortune on RACOR Filter elements.

You can add a continuous duty electric fuel pump like the "Walbro 6802" or equivalent & have your fuel be cleaned while your sitting at the dock, or under ways.

BTW - I also Have Gulf Coast OIL filter available as well. Which Also works great.

You can't go wrong with one of these.

I take PayPal or Cash.


Mike :thumb:
I've disconnected the fuel polisher. Now use its pump for only priming the engine and transferring fuel among tanks.

seller probably doesn't need comments not related to the sale of his item. Kind of invasive and not relevant to a classified ad.
seller probably doesn't need comments not related to the sale of his item. Kind of invasive and not relevant to a classified ad.

Perhaps most of us don't need a fuel polisher. :eek:
Perhaps most of us don't need a fuel polisher. :eek:

Yeah well, as they say, you don't need one till you need one.

Because i go thru so much fuel, I hardly ever polish fuel anymore.

But just when you thought it safe to go back in the water...
Somewhere between Africa and Martinique I had a 24 hour period in which i needed to run it for 24 hours.
I'd noticed my small Racor was cloudy. Turned on fuel polisher and within an hour vacuum was 22" of Hg.
That's bad.
New filter, ran for 12 hours before it got above 20"
By filter #3 it started about 3" and only got to 4" 12 hours later.
I was very happy.
Nuff said
Diesel Fuel Filter or Polisher

I welcome any & all comments.

These filters are cheap to operate, Are very Heavy Duty constructed, last practically forever & do a great effective job in cleaning your diesel fuel.

When you need them, they are a life saver, & you will thank the lord that you have it on board.

They are easy to install. Easy to use.

It is excess to my needs as I am down sizing & selling off my multiple boats & pairing things down to just one boat.

This will be a good deal for some one.


Alfa Mike :)
Alfa Mike,

Just had a bad experience with dirty fuel (after a "polishing" in Miami), how do you set this up with duel tanks? I am in to purchase if $400 will include shipping to Pensacola, FL.
Thanks- JimW
Gulf Coast F-1 Fuel Polishing Filter

Jim W.

There is more than one way to skin a cat -- As with so many things it depends how you want to do it.
You can run it parallel with it's own pump, or you can run it in series with existing system in which case I recommend, what is always a good idea to have, a vacuum gauge "T 'd in" for monitoring how hard the on engine fuel pump is sucking with a suction gauge to see when plugging is occurring as it has a huge capacity - no need to change element if not plugging up. You can also add a by pass valve among other approaches to assist with changing filter under way.

NOTE: Filter F-1 Housing already has on & off ball valves on bottom to close when servicing the filter element & it also has a drain valve at bottom to drain off any water. See picture:


Mounting bracket is already attached to the housing as you can see, so with 8 bolts you can bolt it to a wall or any vertical piece of wood or metal strong enough to hold 50 lbs., but note: it does need to be mounted vertically so the water separator in bottom works 100 % efficiently.

I know a few guys that set it up to pivot to side to do the filter element servicing due to low engine room vertical ceiling clearance which works well too.

As far as the plumbing, one way you can do it - Using brass or bronze barb fittings & SS clamps & some Coast Guard Approved fuel hose, You plum in a couple " T " fittings or " Y " valves into your supply & return fuel lines & add on / off valves as your deem needed.

Then for power of course an electric switch and wires from power source & such to then install in line a continuous duty marine electric Fuel Pump that runs on either 12 volt Dc or 120 volt Ac or what ever electric power source you have readily available on your boat.
(Example: for 12v boat power - a 12 volt pump - like maybe a "Walbro" brand - Part# 6802 or equivalent).
You then do some parallel plumbing with a " Y " valve or two & Fuel hoses so you can set it up to draw from either tank & return to either tank, or how ever you want to plumb it.

You can then turn on this electric circulation fuel pump to run your diesel fuel to circulate the fuel through the polishing filter when ever you want !

it's operation then is completely separate from the engine being run or not. Your choice, it can even be all controlled with a timer or how ever you want to control it.

Some captains have the pump run any time the ignition is on.
Others have a timer that runs it for example 4 to 6 hours every day whether your there or not, in your slip,
some run it 24 hours straight after returning to their slip after every boat outing & others go for manual operation only, etc... - you choice how you want to set it up.

Let me go look & see what they are going to charge me to pack & ship this heavy - 36 pounds - item ?

& I'll get back to you on whether I can cover that or not.

I am Unsure at this point if I can agree to that or not

I just have no idea what they will charge - not cheap I am sure.

I agree shipping these days is getting expensive.

I would ship cheapest way -- as I would ship via ground, which would take about a week or so to get it to Pensacola, Florida on the east coast where you are.

So if that's OK - so let me first research that shipping cost & I'll get back to you in a couple days. -- working & swamped during weekdays.

For easy payment, I do take PayPal through my e-mail (alfamike8277 at yahoo dot com).

In any case, thanks for the interest.

& now I'll go do my shipping cost research.


Mike Alfred :thumb:
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Alpha Mike, PayPal should have notified you of the completed transaction, thank you! Standing by -
What's your favorite fuel-polishing filter? Roll of paper towels or toilet paper?
Sold - Sold - Sold - Gulf Coast Filter & fuel Polisher.

JimW. --- Got It !

Confirming the receipt of $ 400.00 deposit via PayPal for the Gulf Coast Diesel Fuel Filter. :thumb: ---- So Item Sold ! :)

I am currently out of town on business, so I have not had any opportunity to see what the shipping & packaging costs will be. So that has yet to be determined. :confused:

Soon as I get that I'll let you know.

Send me your address where you want it shipped ?

"markpierce" -- "Bounty" Brand Paper Towels are the best to use in these Fuel Filters although other brands do fit.


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Part on the way


Glad we got all the details worked out.

I shipped the part out today.

FED-EX Ground.


Alfa Mike :thumb:
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