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For Sale: Kahlenberg K-380 air horn package, essentially new.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 27, 2013
We are upgrading our horns, and offering this near-new Kahlenberg K-380 horn package. This is an area where Nordhavn quite frankly cheaped-out and used a horn unsuitable for a 65' boat. It's a great horn, but recommended for boats up to 45'. We are replacing with the next size up.

The package includes the dual trumpets in chromed brass, 12V air compressor and air tank, and 12V air valve. It's a complete package ready to be wired up to 12V power and to your horn buttons. Great sound, as only Kahlenberg can do.

Here's a link to the Kahlenberg web site info on this product Model K-380 Chrome | Kahlenberg

Sells new for about $600. I'll take $400 for this 6-month old unit.
Peter, do you think they'd be sufficient for my boat?
Yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if you don't already have them. Or do you have something else?

We have some Marinco ones that have a little mini compressor with no tank just straight to the horns.
Love my Kahlenberg D2 horns.......... four times the power of the 380 and twice the range. I over-indulged but do not regret. Just don't be on the deck forward of the horn. (An electric horn is standard on the Coot. I ordered the Kahlenbergs to be shipped to and installed by the builder. There was no extra charge by the builder for installation.)

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Love my Kahlenberg D2 horns.......... four times the power of the 380 and twice the range. I over-indulged but do not regret. Just don't be on the deck forward of the horn. (An electric horn is standard on the Coot. I ordered the Kahlenbergs to be shipped to and installed by the builder. There was no extra charge by the builder for installation.)


What do you use for a compressor for the D2? The one Kahlenberg specs is a giant 120V unit. Did you use that or something else?
For a compressor I'd just buy an oiless one from harbor freight and attach a regulator. That's what I plan to do when I upgrade my horn setup one day, I was thinking marinized train horns for sound making end.
For a compressor I'd just buy an oiless one from harbor freight and attach a regulator. That's what I plan to do when I upgrade my horn setup one day, I was thinking marinized train horns for sound making end.

I'm afraid that HF compressor will just dissolve into a pile of rust in a short period.
The size of the vessel decides the tone of the horn.

read the Kalenberg site.
The size of the vessel decides the tone of the horn.

read the Kalenberg site.

And I always thought that just like offshore cigarette boats it was related to a feeling of inadequacy on the part of the skipper...


The size of the vessel decides the tone of the horn.

read the Kalenberg site.

The chart shows minimal tone/range for various vessel lengths. I went one step above the minimum (deeper tone and half-mile range rather than quarter-mile). I can't find the Kahlenberg chart that was previously easy to access.
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Interesting compressor. Was that from Kahlenberg, and if so do you know the model? 12VDC or 24VDC? That looks like a nice in-between size compared to the one they told me I need for the D2. They told me I needed a 120VAC unit with a 20 gal air tank.
Interesting compressor. Was that from Kahlenberg, and if so do you know the model? 12VDC or 24VDC? That looks like a nice in-between size compared to the one they told me I need for the D2. They told me I needed a 120VAC unit with a 20 gal air tank.

Yes, it is all Kahlenberg. It was the recommended compressor/tank combination for the D2 when I purchased them in 2010, but Kahlenberg has modified its product line a little. My compressor came in 120 AC and 12 and 24 volt DC versions. I selected 120.
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Annex III of the Navrules discusses whistle signal tone and vessel size.

33 CFR 86 is where the law for inland rules should be found if the cross ref is correct.
Twisted Tree, went to the boat today and found that my compressor is model KA500, no longer listed in Kahlenberg's catalog.
Thanks. I have a utility compressor in my laz and think I'll just run an air line up the stack.
Tug horns

Is the unit still available? I am looking to add a set to my Nordic 26.

Thank you
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